Danger World

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Revision as of 05:42, 13 November 2012 by Bryanhm (talk | contribs) (Die Rolling)
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Die Rolling

Build a die pool out of d6s. Roll, locking and re-rolling up to twice.

A set triggers results if it is at least as wide as it is tall. Evaluate sets using the difficulty table. 1s are summed together and spent by the GM.

set narrative benefit
2 minor accomplishment
3 meaningful accomplishment
4 significant accomplishment
5 major accomplishment
6 huge accomplishment

Sets can always be used to provide a number of bonus dice equal to their height or to cancel a number of threat dice equal to their height.

Challenges, such as obstacles, monsters, traps, and skill attempts, all have a difficulty assigned to them.

1s are spent according to the following table.

GM Options
cost narrative change mechanical change

GM Costs
cost benefit
1 place a threat die on this marker
1 remove a bonus die from this marker
1 increase the character's danger level by 1
2 reduced hit against the PC
2 place a threat die on another marker
2 remove a bonus die from another marker
4 full hit against the PC
V spawn a threat
V escalate a threat

Special Dice

Danger dice can be added at-will by the player. They act as a 1 when a 1 is rolled as normal. When used as part of a set they increase the danger level by 1 per die used.

Threat dice are added when complications crop up on a challenge. They act as a 1 when a 1 is rolled as normal. Otherwise, each one prevents one normal or danger die (player's choice) of the same height from being used in a set.



  • Agility
  • Endurance
  • Speed
  • Strength


  • Perception
  • Reasoning
  • Recall
  • Willpower


  • Charisma
  • Empathy
  • Gravitas
  • Cool


Spend FP to invoke an aspect. Adds as many bonus dice as FP spent. Expenditure may be limited by reasonableness.

Negative Aspects

The GM may spend FP to invoke these to add threat dice.

Danger Level

Five danger points per level.

  • (3) Bashed (one threat die until end of encounter)
  • (3) Stunned (one less die until end of encounter)
  • (3) Injured (one random trait is reduced by one until long-term rest)
  • K.O.'d (out of fight until the end of the encounter)
  • Dead