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'''Uncursed Dagger:''' A blessedly curved dagger set with a ruby at the base of its orc bone handle, a blood gutter along one side of the blade. While effective as an ordinary weapon, it can also be be used to remove a curse from a subject by carving into their skin the sigil of Vestrivan. Uncursing has a 50% chance of success and may only be attempted once on any one person.
'''Uncursed Dagger:''' A blessedly curved dagger set with a ruby at the base of its orc bone handle, a blood gutter along one side of the blade. While effective as an ordinary weapon, it can also be be used to remove a curse from a subject by carving into their skin the sigil of Vestrivan. Uncursing has a 50% chance of success and may only be attempted once on any one person.
'''Pipes of Sounding:''' A small set of panpipes made of brass, inscribed with figures of dwarves dancing and drinking ale. When played by a character who knows how to play the instrument the pipes can be used to not just create music, but any other sort of simple sounds as well. While not capable of recreating long, complex sounds such as a extended speeches or changing sounds (e.g., the change from footsteps running up stairs to a door opening), the general sounds of talking, singing, shouting, walking, marching, or running are all possible, as well as animal sounds such as the singing of birds or the squeaking of a horde of rats. These sounds initially emerge from the pipes, but may be sent travelling up to a few dozen feet away.

[https://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/rods.htm#immovableRod '''Immovable Rods:'''] (Set with 19 Remaining) This rod is a flat iron bar with a small button on one end. When the button is pushed (a move action), the rod does not move from where it is, even if staying in place defies gravity. Thus, the owner can lift or place the rod wherever he wishes, push the button, and let go. Several immovable rods can even make a ladder when used together (although only two are needed). An immovable rod can support up to 8,000 pounds before falling to the ground. If a creature pushes against an immovable rod, it must make a DC 30 Strength check to move the rod up to 10 feet in a single round.
[https://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/rods.htm#immovableRod '''Immovable Rods:'''] (Set with 19 Remaining) This rod is a flat iron bar with a small button on one end. When the button is pushed (a move action), the rod does not move from where it is, even if staying in place defies gravity. Thus, the owner can lift or place the rod wherever he wishes, push the button, and let go. Several immovable rods can even make a ladder when used together (although only two are needed). An immovable rod can support up to 8,000 pounds before falling to the ground. If a creature pushes against an immovable rod, it must make a DC 30 Strength check to move the rod up to 10 feet in a single round.

Revision as of 22:19, 19 October 2022

Genghis Pecan

MA: 9
ST: 2
AG: 4
AV: 7

Combat Skills: Block

Movement Skills: Dodge, Leap

Low-light Vision: skaven naturally have excellent night vision


  • Very Long Legs: enables quick, precise, and lengthy jumping
  • Extra Arm: an extra arm
  • Hidden Pocket: a fur-lined pocket in the torso, suitable for hiding a modestly-sized item
  • Prehensile Tail: a long, thick tail capable of grasping or holding
  • Pouched Cheeks: This mutant’s cheeks are elastic and its mouth may be used to carry a great deal of food or other objects.
  • Telescopic Vision: This mutant can see clearly for up to two miles (3km) and still distinguish individuals.

Tribe of Wondrous Goats: A set of four goat figurines in a blue silk pouch. Each may be used to summon an obedient and untiring riding mount, though they lack the intelligence to perform independent tasks. Minor injuries may be reversed by re-summoning, though grievous or deadly injury causes the goat to vanish and be unavailable for summoning for a period of one week.

  • The Goat of Traveling: This long-legged brown goat is particularly suited to extended travel, making good time over long distances.
  • The Goat of Traversal: This stocky, grey goat can surmount difficult obstacles.
  • The Goat of Travail: This muscular white goat is built for combat, with wicked horns for goring opponents.
  • The Goat of Terror: This fiendish black goat can be induced to produce an aura of fear, terrifying enemies.

Handy Haversack: A well made and seemingly quite ordinary backpack of finely tanned leather and brass buckles. Both the primary central potion of the pack and each of the two side pouches are, in fact, bags of holding and can hold a great deal more weight and volume than would appear. The large central portion of the pack can contain up to 8 cubic feet or 80 pounds of material. Each of the side pouches may hold up to 2 cubic feet in volume or 20 pounds in weight. Even when so filled, the backpack always weighs only 5 pounds. While such storage is useful enough, in addition, when the wearer reaches into it for a specific item, that item is always on top. Thus, no digging around and fumbling is ever necessary to find what a haversack contains.

Deck of Illusions: This set of parchment cards is usually found in an ivory, leather, or wooden box. A full deck consists of thirty-four cards. When a card is drawn at random and thrown to the ground, a major image of a creature is formed. The figment lasts until dispelled. The illusory creature cannot move more than 30 feet away from where the card landed, but otherwise moves and acts as if it were real. At all times it obeys the desires of the character who drew the card. When the illusion is dispelled, the card becomes blank and cannot be used again. If the card is picked up, the illusion is automatically and instantly dispelled. The cards in a deck and the illusions they bring forth are summarized on the following table.

Playing Card Tarot Card Creature
Ace of hearts IV. The Emperor Red dragon
King of hearts Knight of swords Male human fighter and four guards
Queen of hearts Queen of staves Female human wizard
Jack of hearts King of staves Male human druid
Ten of hearts VII. The Chariot Cloud giant
Nine of hearts Page of staves Ettin
Eight of hearts Ace of cups Bugbear
Two of hearts Five of staves Goblin
Ace of diamonds III. The Empress Glabrezu (demon)
King of diamonds Two of cups Male elf wizard and female apprentice
Queen of diamonds Queen of swords Half-elf ranger (female)
Jack of diamonds XIV. Temperance Harpy
Ten of diamonds Seven of staves Male half-orc barbarian
Nine of diamonds Four of pentacles Ogre mage
Eight of diamonds Ace of pentacles Gnoll
Two of diamonds Six of pentacles Kobold
Ace of spades II. The High Priestess Lich
King of spades Three of staves Three male human clerics
Queen of spades Four of cups Medusa
Jack of spades Knight of pentacles Male dwarf paladin
Ten of spades Seven of swords Frost giant
Nine of spades Three of swords Troll
Eight of spades Ace of swords Hobgoblin
Two of spades Five of cups Goblin
Ace of clubs VIII. Strength Iron golem
King of clubs Page of pentacles Three male halfling rogues
Queen of clubs Ten of cups Pixies
Jack of clubs Nine of pentacles Female half-elf bard
Ten of clubs Nine of staves Hill giant
Nine of clubs King of swords Ogre
Eight of clubs Ace of staves Orc
Two of clubs Five of cups Kobold
Joker (Red) Two of pentacles Illusion of deck’s owner
Joker (Black) Two of staves Illusion of deck’s owner (sex reversed)

Grabit Beardpuller

MA: 6
ST: 3
AG: 4
AV: 7

Combat Skills: Wrestle, Tackle

Movement Skills: Dodge, Stunty

Special Skills: Right Stuff, Strip Ball

Low-light Vision: goblins naturally have excellent night vision

Tinkerer's Bird: A mechanical crow, a fairly convincing fake. Comes with a control box etched with an arrow on top. Aim the box and turn a wheel on its side, and the crow will hop or fly to a perch within 10-15 feet in the direction the arrow is pointing. The crow will transmit the sound that it hears to the control box in a system based on that used for CabalTV. A gift from Boss Wetnose in congratulations for Mercato's victory over the city of Kavzar.

Rope of Climbing: A slim piece of rope. Given the proper activation word, can extend to up to fifty feet in length, typically with regularly-spaced knots to aid the user in climbing, and secure itself around an indicated anchor. The rope can later be instructed to detach itself and return to the holder. Able to support up to 3,000 lbs in weight.

Ring of Luck: A silver ring with a disc of warpstone set in it. At most once per session, grants a free reroll or +1 on a check to see how good a random find is.

Hostess Cards: The face cards are all the same skaven women in different alluring outfits. Twice per week, Chrel, a skaven hostess, can be summoned by placing a royal straight in a particular arrangement, a queen in the center, the other cards in a circle around them. Is generally helpful within that area, with the ability to give a bonus (+1 or free reroll) on an attempt to win a game that involves some degree of chance using that deck of cards. The illustrations upon the cards allow a level of customization of her dress.

Mind Imager: A pale blue crystal set in a web of silver wires. When placed on a creature’s head, shows what they are thinking, whether or not they are conscious.

Uncursed Dagger: A blessedly curved dagger set with a ruby at the base of its orc bone handle, a blood gutter along one side of the blade. While effective as an ordinary weapon, it can also be be used to remove a curse from a subject by carving into their skin the sigil of Vestrivan. Uncursing has a 50% chance of success and may only be attempted once on any one person.

Pipes of Sounding: A small set of panpipes made of brass, inscribed with figures of dwarves dancing and drinking ale. When played by a character who knows how to play the instrument the pipes can be used to not just create music, but any other sort of simple sounds as well. While not capable of recreating long, complex sounds such as a extended speeches or changing sounds (e.g., the change from footsteps running up stairs to a door opening), the general sounds of talking, singing, shouting, walking, marching, or running are all possible, as well as animal sounds such as the singing of birds or the squeaking of a horde of rats. These sounds initially emerge from the pipes, but may be sent travelling up to a few dozen feet away.

Immovable Rods: (Set with 19 Remaining) This rod is a flat iron bar with a small button on one end. When the button is pushed (a move action), the rod does not move from where it is, even if staying in place defies gravity. Thus, the owner can lift or place the rod wherever he wishes, push the button, and let go. Several immovable rods can even make a ladder when used together (although only two are needed). An immovable rod can support up to 8,000 pounds before falling to the ground. If a creature pushes against an immovable rod, it must make a DC 30 Strength check to move the rod up to 10 feet in a single round.

Emergency Kit

  • May be used four times in the course of a trip spread among the various options. Selections may be repeated. Two uses remaining.
  • Sovereign Glue: This pale amber substance is thick and viscous. It can be used to glue two surfaces together, taking 10-20 seconds to set, in a way that requires dedicated magical effort to overcome.
  • Universal Solvent: This substance has the unique property of being able to dissolve sovereign glue and tanglefoot bags.
  • Salve of Slipperiness: This substance provides a significant competence bonus on all escape artist checks, meaning that it is almost impossible to grapple such a character or to tie or chain him up. In addition, such obstructions as webs (magical or otherwise) do not affect an anointed individual. Magic ropes and the like do not avail against this salve. If it is smeared on a floor or on steps, the area should be treated as a long-lasting grease spell. The salve requires 8 hours to wear off normally, or it can be wiped off with an alcohol solution (even wine). Salve of slipperiness is needed to coat the inside of a container that is meant to hold sovereign glue.
  • Unguent of Timelessness: When applied to any matter that was once alive this ointment allows that substance to resist the passage of time. Each year of actual time affects the substance as if only a day had passed. The coated object gains a minor resistance bonus on all saving throws. The unguent never wears off, although it can be magically removed (by dispelling the effect, for instance). One flask contains enough material to coat eight medium or smaller objects. A large object counts as two medium objects, and a huge object counts as two large objects.
  • Dust of Dryness: This special dust has many uses. If it is thrown into water, a volume of as much as 100 gallons is instantly transformed to nothingness, and the dust becomes a marble-sized pellet, floating or resting where it was thrown. If this pellet is hurled down, it breaks and releases the same volume of water. The dust affects only water (fresh, salt, alkaline), not other liquids.
  • Dust of Tracelessness: This normal-seeming dust is actually a magic powder that can conceal the passage of its possessor and his companions. Tossing a handful of this dust into the air causes a chamber of up to 100 square feet of floor space to become as dusty, dirty, and cobweb-laden as if it had been abandoned and disused for a decade. A handful of dust sprinkled along a trail causes evidence of the passage of as many as a dozen men and horses to be obliterated for 250 feet back into the distance. The results of the dust are instantaneous, and no magical aura lingers afterward from this use of the dust. Survival checks made to track a quarry across an area affected by this dust are much more difficult than normal.
  • Bottle of Obscuring Mist: A misty vapor arises around you. It is stationary once created. The vapor obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet.
  • Bottle of Air: This item appears to be a normal glass bottle with a cork. When taken to any airless environment it retains air within it at all times, continually renewing its contents. This means that a character can draw air out of the bottle to breathe. The bottle can even be shared by multiple characters who pass it around.

Cloak of the Bat: Fashioned of dark brown or black cloth, this cloak bestows advantage on checks to hide. The wearer is also able to hang upside down from the ceiling, like a bat. By holding the edges of the garment, the wearer is able to fly as per the spell. If he desires, the wearer can actually polymorph himself into an ordinary bat and fly accordingly. (All possessions worn or carried are part of the transformation.) Flying, either with the cloak or in bat form, can be accomplished only in darkness (either under the night sky or in a lightless or near-lightless environment underground). Either of the flying powers is usable for up to 7 minutes at a time, but after a flight of any duration the cloak cannot bestow any flying power for a like period of time.

Bracelet of Friends: This silver charm bracelet has four charms upon it when created. The owner may designate one person known to him to be keyed to one charm. (This designation takes a standard action, but once done it lasts forever or until changed.) When a charm is grasped and the name of the keyed individual is spoken, that person is called to the spot (a standard action) along with his or her gear, as long as the owner and the called person are on the same plane. The keyed individual knows who is calling, and the bracelet of friends only functions on willing travelers. Once a charm is activated, it disappears. Charms separated from the bracelet are worthless.

  • One charm assigned to Furgie, one of Furgit's children, the others unused.

Chain Shirt, Etherealness

  • +2 to max HP (Strike)
  • On command, this ability allows the wearer of the armor to become ethereal (as the ethereal jaunt spell) once per day. The character can remain ethereal for as long as desired, but once he returns to normal, he cannot become ethereal again that day.

The Six Fingers of Chaos: Ulsinlis prepared a rosewood box with six rings inside, each of a different precious metal or stone. Once permanently bonded to a particular master by Ulsinlis, each ring may be consumed to produce a different one-time magical effect. Inspired by The Ballad of Sutable the Worthy and the Six Fingers of Chaos, a skaven poem from before the Scourge, likely known to Grabit by one of its stage adaptations.

  • Platinum, Prismatic Spray: Seven shimmering, intertwined, multicolored beams of light spray from your hand. Every mortal creature within sixty feet of you (excluding yourself) is randomly subjected to at least one of seven effects, as determined by the following table (roll 1d8 for each):
    1) They burn to cinders.
    2) They melt.
    3) They electrocute to ash.
    4) They die.
    5) They turn to stone.
    6) They’re driven permanently insane.
    7) They’re banished to another plane of existence.
    8) Two of more of these things happen: roll twice and apply all.
  • Gold, Baleful Polymorph: You permanently transform one mortal within your line of sight into a modestly-sized animal (e.g., a dog, lizard, monkey, toad). The subject of the spell retains some shades of its personality and physicality, subject to the limits of its new form.
  • Silver, Private Sanctum: A large area (e.g., a town or neighborhood) is subtly cut off from all outside it for twenty-four hours. While passage in and out is not obstructed, no mortal sense or magic gleans any information from within it for the duration of the effect, including the existence of this spell.
  • Sapphire, Freedom of Movement: For one hour, no mortal obstacle can obstruct your movement.
  • Ruby, Delayed Blast Fireball: An immovable glowing bead appears within one thousand feet of you at a point of your specification within your line of sight. When created, a delay of no more than five minutes must be declared, at which point it will ignite into an inferno that destroys everything (excepting elves, dragons, and gods) within twenty feet.
  • Emerald, Mass Endurance: You and up to a few dozen other people do not need to worry about the limitations of stamina, hunger, or thirst for one day.

Mesmerism scroll

  • Prepared in Theran by the Air Warlock Tabor Samila Tabor.
  • One use
  • Range: 5 feet; Duration: 40 melees / 1 scene; standard saving throw
  • The warlock conjures a nearly invisible swirling mist which creates a hypnotic state on the person who sees it (one intelligent creature at a time). This enables the warlock to induce simple hypnotic suggestions such as "tell about Oscar" or "you like me." The verbal suggestion should be weaved into a sentence or brief conversation. The mesmerized person will respond only to simple suggestions and cannot be forced to do something that is strongly against his nature. Subtlety is the key, using similar methods that one might use to manipulate a drunk.

Hurricane scroll

  • Prepared in Theran by the Air Warlock Tabor Samila Tabor.
  • One use
  • Range: line of sight; Duration: instant; no saving throw
  • This elemental magic conjures a great sea storm. With 100 to 150 mph winds, the sea is lashed into huge waves (4-24 feet) which will batter and destroy all but the largest ships within minutes. Torrential rains, thunder, and lightning accompany these terrific winds. Any person foolish enough to be above decks during this storm will take 1-6 points of damage per melee due to flying debris, wind, and hail.

Karnhage Fleethoof

MA: 6
ST: 5
AG: 2
AV: 9

Permanent Injuries: Niggle

Combat Skills: Block, Tackle, Grab, Thick Skull

Movement Skills: Sprint, Sure Feet, Break Tackle

Thermovision: like dwarves, centaurs can naturally see in infrared

Armband of Bull's Strength: The wearer gains the mighty blow skill.

Ring of Blinking Dodge: The wearer gains the dodge skill.

Enchanted Centaur-shoes of Stand Firm: The wearer gains the stand firm skill.

Dwarven Plate Armor, Spell Resistance and Ghost Touch

  • +3 to max HP (Strike)
  • Spell Resistance
    • This property grants the armor’s wearer spell resistance while the armor is worn.
    • Magic users attempting to apply unwanted effects must make a spell-casting check to bypass the armor’s defenses in addition to any other checks required.
    • When a mortal magic user attempts to apply an unwanted effect to the wearer, the wearer may make a skilled check with disadvantage. On success, they ignore the magical effect.
  • Ghost Touch
    • This armor seems almost translucent. The wearer is protected against incorporeal creatures and other dangers and the armor may be used to interact with incorporeal creatures and other objects. If worn by an incorporeal creature, they gain its benefits against both corporeal and incorporeal dangers and can still pass freely through solid objects.

Pocket CabalTV: A black 8” x 6” tablet, a screen on one side, a recessed camera on the other. A series of buttons along the sides allow manipulation of the device. Can be used to both view and broadcast dungeon bowl and blood bowl matches.

Three‑Ringed Necklace: This golden necklace has three interlocking rings hanging from a fine chain. Each ring may be consumed to produce a different one-time magical effect.

  • Protection from Chaos: For the duration of one scene, you can make a 3+ check to ignore any direct mortal magical effect (not including elvish, draconic, or true divine magic). Note that this does not include indirect effects, like a sword wielded by a reanimated skeleton, or a random lightning bolt from a ritually-summoned storm.
  • Hypnotism: For the duration of one scene, you can hold sway over a small group of people (a half dozen or so). You hold their attention against all but the most startling or dire distractions, and your suggestions and requests seem more reasonable, though not to the extent of serious cost to themselves or those close to them.
  • Expeditious Retreat: For the duration of one scene (up to one hour for overland travel), you can run twice as fast and can jump twice as far.


  • Glibness: Your speech becomes fluent and more believable. You gain a massive bonus on bluff checks made to convince another of the truth of your words. (This bonus doesn’t apply to other uses of bluffing, such as feinting in combat, creating a diversion to hide, or communicating a hidden message via innuendo.)

Smash Mogwuht

Gort Healthy
Pack 5/8

MA: 5
ST: 6
AG: 2
AV: 9

Permanent Injuries: Niggle

Combat Skills: Block, Mighty Blow, Piling On, Grab, Guard, Thick Skull

Movement Skills: Stand Firm

Special Skills: Bone-head, Throw Team-Mate

Staff of Life: Made of thick oak shod in gold. Rather than the typical preparation required for infusing an ogreish practice into a snotling, the staff may be used to impart or withdraw any known practice on contact.

Basket of Plenty: A wicker basket, a red-and-white cloth peeking out from beneath the lid. The basket serves three meals a day for a baker’s dozen of people (though ST 5+, such as ogres and centaurs, eat for two, with Smash’s snotling pack requiring another two portions), with three additional snacks for the same per day. Provides wooden serving pieces and wood utensils, which must be returned to the basket for further service.

Primacy Knowledge

Knowing, Signifying,
and Unveiling
Perfecting, Ruling,
and Veiling
Fraying and Weaving
Fate Initiate (●)
Forces Initiate (●)
Life Initiate (●) Apprentice (●●) Disciple (●●●)
Matter Initiate (●) Apprentice (●●) Disciple (●●●)
Mind Initiate (●)
Prime Initiate (●)
Space Initiate (●)
Spirit Initiate (●)
Time Initiate (●)

Familiar Enhancements

  • A fate mage and their familiar have an intuitive sense if their fate is undergoing a significant shift.
  • A forces mage
  • A life mage and their familiar are always aware of each other’s physical condition.
  • A matter mage can tell if their familiar's position would support their own weight.
  • A mind mage can sense their familiar's emotional state.
  • A prime mage and their familiar can each sense when they are being directly targeted by any type of formal mortal magic.
  • A space mage and their familiar are always aware of each other's relative position.
  • A spirit mage and their familiar automatically recognize spirits on sight.
  • A time mage and their familiar are always aware what time it is.

Eye for Danger (Fate ●/Sensory/Unveiling) A mage using this spell can tell on sight whether someone or something is “dangerous”, though not how or why. A patch of earth might be dangerous because the footing is unstable or a vampire sleeps within, and a man on the street might be dangerous because they’re looking to mug someone or are a trained soldier. It’s rare for experienced mages and other supernatural creatures not to read as dangerous.

Stimulate Base Life (Life ●●/Covert/Ruling) A snotling is imbued with the uncanny ability to encourage basic living processes. A plant might be encouraged to open its flowers or a person to feel tired, hungry, or irritable.

Animal Form (Life ●●/Covert/Veiling) The snotling can be rearranged into a living shape that it maintains for one scene, then reverts to its original form. This new form can mimic a natural or fanciful animal of the same mass. An attempt to mimic a specific animal may require a successful skill check.

One-String Puppet (Life ●●/Covert/Ruling) A snotling is imbued with the uncanny ability to trigger a reflex action in a human target. Someone with their finger on a crossbow trigger might be made to pull it, or someone walking a flight of stairs might be made to trip when one leg flails out. Each reflex action is a distinct activation of this ability.

Sense Poison (Matter ●/Sensory/Unveiling) This spell detects poisonous substances, whether dripping from a snake’s fang or swirling in a proffered wineglass.

Anytime Armor (Matter ●●/Covert/Perfecting) This spell quietly fortifies clothing, boosting the wearer’s Defense against conventional attack.

Knock (Matter ●●/Covert/Ruling) This spell ensures that a mechanical lock will lock correctly, or yield when forced. Typically the caster themselves will perform the physical act of opening or closing the door or lid, though this spell can render locks malleable to anyone’s effort if the caster wishes.

Weaken Wall (Matter ●●●/Covert/Fraying) This spell undermines the integrity of a solid barrier, making it as easy to break as if it was rotten or poorly made. Thick walls of steel or stone might still require equipment or machinery to defeat.

Read Emotion (Mind ●/Sensory/Knowing) This enhancement allows a snotling to scrutinize the mind of another, learning one or more surface emotions. Usually, a significant success is needed to learn of deeply buried or consciously suppressed feelings.

Analyze Artifact (Prime ●/Sensory/Knowing) Allows its user to scrutinize a magical artifact.

Finder (Space ●/Covert/Knowing, Signifying) This spell analyzes a sympathetic connection, revealing the distance and direction to the connection’s endpoint. The sympathetic distance to the sought-after target speak to the difficulty of pointing the caster in the right direction and affording a reliable estimate of how far the target is, such as “hundreds of miles” or “within a block." At a higher difficulty, the mage can exactly learn the subject’s location. This spell can immediately pinpoint targets already in sensory range and therefore at zero sympathetic distance, making it useless to hide in plain sight or rely on disguises.

Time Capsule (Time ●/Covert/Signifying) A snotling gains the uncanny ability to tease the threads of local time into a particular shape, leaving a message for other augurs to read – the caster might note something of interest in the scene, warn other mages not to scry further, or make notes for their own benefit.

Current Constructs