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Downtime can be used to learn new abilities. The cost of learning a new skill or trick depends on the skill or trick to be learned, but will generally be tens of thousands of nuyen. The player should explain how the character has access to the opportunity to learn the ability. If an appropriate teacher can't be determined, the ability can't be learned.
Active skills useful for shadowrunning (e.g., Move Silently, Lockpicking, Parkour, Fast Talk) are generally 30-50k¥.
Developing a new local contact typically cost 10-20k¥. National and global contacts are more expensive.
A character can learn a restricted skill they gained access to from a piece of [[Ware|ware]], an [[Magic#Adept Abilities|adept ability]], or an [[Magic#Initiations|initiation]] for 20k¥ plus half the cost of the ware, adept ability, or initiation. Similarly, learning a skill for casting a [[Magic#Spells|spell]] costs 20k¥ plus half the cost of the spell.
Experienced projectors can teach astral projection skills for 50k¥ each, such as Astral Patrolling, High-Speed Navigation, Astral Tracking, and Etheric Stealth.
Learning a [[Grimoire#Conjuring|conjuring]] skill costs 50k¥ per skill: Summoning, Banishing, Spirits of Man, etc.
A mundane skill for [[Magic#Centering|centering]] costs 20k¥ to learn.
Custom tricks generally cost 40-60k¥ depending on their applicability and the scope of their effect. A custom trick should be built off of an existing skill possessed by the character: a trick produces a specific type of successful effect equivalent to a bonus on a use of that skill.
==Personal Spending==
Characters can spend money on things not otherwise covered that are of a more personal nature: luxuries, partying, charity, etc. This should be described in light detail: purchasing a trid system, going to a downtown nightclub, funding a soup kitchen, etc. Players receive 1 action point for every 10k¥ they spend. Buying action point requires enough time to perform the described action.
==Medical Services==
==Medical Services==

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|align=left colspan=2 style="background:#f5f6f8"| '''Type''' ||style="background:#f5f6f8"| '''Price''' ||style="background:#f5f6f8"| '''Availability''' ||align=left style="background:#f5f6f8"| '''Description'''
|align=left| '''Type''' || '''Cost''' || '''Availability''' ||align=left| '''Description'''
|align=left colspan=2| Post-Combat Care ||colspan=2| ||
|align=left| Genetic Cleansing || 100,000¥ || Restricted ||align=left| Repairs damage to the patient's genetic code, such as may occur from toxic or radioactive exposure. Requires a month spent in a medically-induced coma.
| || Adjustment || 2,000¥ || Restricted ||align=left| Minor treatment to prevent lingering effects after becoming Winded in combat.
|align=left| Hospitalization || 1,000¥ per day || Restricted ||align=left| Professional intensive medical care.
| || Repair || 10,000¥ || Restricted ||align=left| Significant treatment to repair damage after being Exhausted in combat.
|align=left| Leónization || 10,000,000¥ || Restricted ||align=left| Repairs the genetic, cellular, and broad physical effects of aging. Returns the affected to the physical prime of youth. If performed more than an individual's maximum number of times (generally three to seven, and unpredictable for a given person), the subject irrevocably dies during the procedure. Requires three months spent in a medically-induced coma.
| || Reconstruction || 50,000¥ || Restricted ||align=left| Intensive care to recover after receiving an Injury in combat.
|align=left| Total Rebuild || 500,000¥ || Restricted ||align=left| A vat-grown body to replace a total loss. Growing the replacement requires three months, but this can be performed in advance and the body kept in stasis. Even so, regrowing nerve connections between the vat body and the brain requires an additional week. Most likely to be an option where the patient has a black box. Replacement of unrecovered or destroyed cyberware not included in price.
|align=left colspan=2| DocWagon ||colspan=2| ||align=left| DocWagon contracts provide for the arrival of an armed trauma team inside specified coverage areas. Medical and combat services include additional fees. DocWagon personnel death compensation is billed to the client.
A DocWagon contract requires the filing of tissue samples (held in a secure vault staffed by bonded guards, spiders, and mages) and comes with a biomonitor RFID tag implant or wristband that can be activated to call for help and then to serve as a homing beacon for DocWagon armed ambulances and fast-response choppers in the area. Rupture of the band will also alert DocWagon representatives. Registration with DocWagon replaces the normal identity check for restricted items, which has made them a popular service with shadowrunners, along with their armed response coverage in areas most emergency services won't go to.
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|align=left colspan=2| '''Type''' || '''Cost''' ||align=left| '''Description'''
| || Bronze || 10,000¥/year || Restricted ||align=left| Basic coverage.
|align=left colspan=2| DocWagon Basic Contract || 5,000¥ per year ||align=left| Upon receiving a call from a contract-holder, DocWagon franchises guarantee arrival of an armed trauma team in less than ten minutes, or else the emergency medical care is free. DocWagon does not respond to calls on extraterritorial government or corporate property without permission from the controlling authority.
| || Silver || 20,000¥/year || Restricted ||align=left| Premium medical accommodations.
|align=left colspan=2| DocWagon Gold Contract || 25,000¥ per year ||align=left| HTR is 50% cheaper and hospitalization is 10% cheaper.
| || Gold || 50,000¥/year || Restricted ||align=left| Enhanced coverage area and combat capability.
|align=left colspan=2| DocWagon Platinum Contract || 50,000¥ per year ||align=left| No charge for HTR services, 50% discount on hospitalization, and four free resuscitations a year.
| || Platinum || 100,000¥/year || Restricted ||align=left| Luxurious medical accommodations. [[Ware#Bodyware|Health Monitor]] included.
|align=left colspan=2| High-Threat Response || 5,000¥ per response ||align=left| Where hostiles need to be cleared for extraction.
| || Obsidian || 250,000¥/year || Controlled ||align=left| Maximal coverage area and combat capability. Death compensation fees are waived.
|align=left colspan=2| On-Site Resuscitation || 8,000¥ per resuscitation ||align=left| For dead but revivable clients.
|align=left colspan=2| Genetic Cleansing || 100,000¥ || Restricted ||align=left| Repairs damage to the patient's genetic code, such as may occur from toxic or radioactive exposure. Requires a month spent in a medically-induced coma.
|align=left colspan=2| Employee Death Compensation || 20,000¥ per death ||align=left| When a DocWagon employee dies in an extraction.
|align=left colspan=2| Total Rebuild || 10,000,000¥ || Restricted ||align=left| A vat-grown body to replace a total loss. Growing the replacement requires three months, but this can be performed in advance and the body kept in stasis. Even so, regrowing nerve connections between the vat body and the brain requires an additional week. Most likely to be an option where the patient has a black box. Replacement of unrecovered or destroyed cyberware not included in price.

==Special Vendors==
==Forged Credentials==

These are sellers that have special goods or services, or goods or services at particularly low prices, available to the runners thanks to connections that the runners have built and maintained. Goods and services sold be these sellers don't have availability (e.g., controlled or restricted) limitations. In general, prices are listed for purchases for personal use, not bunk resale.

===The Brain Eaters===
Access to forged credentials requires an appropriate contact. SINs can be provided using physical ID (with QR code), commlink or pocket secretary, or an embedded SINRFID (see [[Gear#Personal_Electronics|Personal Electronics]]).

The runners helped the Brain Eaters take control of a prime trading spot in a small city park near Glow City. As long as they maintain the relationship they have access to various decker services.
Nearly every automobile on the road can wirelessly provide its VIN as a required feature of the Gridlink protocol.
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|+ Forged Credentials
|colspan=2  align=left| '''Type''' || '''Cost''' ||align=left| '''Description'''
|style="background:#eaecf0" colspan=5| <span id="Personal Credentials"></span>'''Personal Credentials'''
|colspan=2  align=left| Fake SIN || 2,000¥ ||align=left| A SIN good enough to pass a field check, but not an extended examination. Can be used once to access a lightly-secured facility, pass a routine police stop, etc. Would normally be paired with a SINRFID to be of practical value. Good for one use.
|style="background:#f5f6f8" colspan=2  align=left| '''Type''' ||style="background:#f5f6f8" | '''Standard Price''' ||style="background:#f5f6f8" | '''Best Price''' ||style="background:#f5f6f8" align=left| '''Description'''
|colspan=2  align=left| Registered SIN || 20,000¥ ||align=left| A SIN identifying you as a citizen of somewhere that someone actually gives a shit about, with a biometric profile you can actually pass. Until blown, sufficient to travel internationally, purchase equipment listed as restricted, enter highly-secured publicly-accessible facilities, and pass a thorough police stop. Good until blown.
|colspan=2  align=left| Fake Vehicle Registration || 2,000¥ ||align=left| A VIN valid to a vehicle, that hasn't been blown yet. Good enough to pass a casual check, such as might be used to access lightly-secured facilities or during a routine police stop. Good for one use.
|colspan=2  align=left| Full Credentials || 100,000¥ || 90,000¥ ||align=left| A cover identity, with a SIN, good enough to access services requiring solid identification, including international and air travel.
|colspan=2  align=left| Valid Vehicle Registration || 20,000¥ ||align=left| A VIN that's as good as real. Good until blown.
|colspan=2  align=left| Full Credentials Backstop || 10,000¥ || 5,000¥ ||align=left| A good fake SIN requires periodic refreshing, particularly after it's been hit by a background check. Used as a Cost on Skill Checks relevant to full credentials.
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|+ One-shot Operational Utilities
|align=left| '''Type''' || '''Cost''' ||align=left| '''Description'''
|align=left| Camo || 50,000¥ ||align=left| Removes one or more subjects from a surveillance system.
|align=left| Crash || 10,000¥ ||align=left| Take a whole security system down as if it suffered a catastrophic crash.
|colspan=2  align=left| Limited-Time Credentials || 10,000¥ || 5,000¥ ||align=left| Temporary full credentials good for a few days.
|align=left| Defuse || 10,000¥ ||align=left| Prevent the enactment of self-erasure security methods on a system.
|align=left| Doorstop || 10,000¥ ||align=left| Keeps a system from engaging a physical security lockdown.
|colspan=2  align=left| Provisional Credentials ||colspan=2| 10,000¥ ||align=left| A provisional cover identity, no SIN included, crafted to match a specific purpose, such as a work travel permit for the Redmond barrens.
|align=left| Encrypt || 10,000¥ ||align=left| Encrypts the data of a system with a specified key to prevent the owner from accessing it.
|colspan=2  align=left| Provisional Credentials Backstop ||colspan=2| 1,000¥ ||align=left| Even a light cover requires periodic maintenance, particularly after it's been hit by a background check. Used as a Cost on Skill Checks relevant to provisional credentials.
|align=left| Evaluate || 10,000¥ ||align=left| Searches a system for valuable paydata.
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|align=left| Mirrors || 10,000¥ ||align=left| Loops a surveillance system.
|style="background:#eaecf0" colspan=45| <span id="Vehicle Credentials"></span>'''Vehicle Credentials'''
|align=left| Purge || 2,000¥ ||align=left| Destroy all the data on a system.
|style="background:#f5f6f8" colspan=2  align=left| '''Type''' ||style="background:#f5f6f8" | '''Standard Price''' ||style="background:#f5f6f8" | '''Best Price''' ||style="background:#f5f6f8" align=left| '''Description'''
|align=left| Redecorate || 50,000¥ ||align=left| Provides complete domination over a system to an external controller.
|align=left| Sniffer || 10,000¥ ||align=left| Extracts data based on predefined parameters.
|colspan=2  align=left| Full Vehicle Credentials || 10,000¥ || 7,000¥ ||align=left| A VIN showing ownership and registration of a light vehicle such as motorcycle, car, van, or light truck. The registration is tied to a particular SIN.
|align=left| Snooper || 10,000¥ ||align=left| Allows remote monitoring of the system.
|colspan=2  align=left| Vehicle Credentials Backstop || 1,000¥ || 700¥ ||align=left| A good fake VIN requires periodic refreshing, particularly after it's been hit by a background check. Used as a Cost on Skill Checks.
|align=left| Swerve || 10,000¥ ||align=left| A local security system neither alerts nor suspiciously falls silent to an external monitor.
|align=left| Triangulation || 1,000¥ ||align=left| Allows for a system to be located externally in the Matrix.
|colspan=2  align=left| Limited-Time Vehicle Credentials || 1,000¥ || 500¥ ||align=left| Temporary vehicle credentials good for a few days.
|align=left| Validate || 10,000¥ ||align=left| Inserts one or more security credentials.

These one-shot utilities require physical or otherwise privileged access to a system to operate.
==Special Vendors==

===The Plastic Jungles===
These are sellers that have special goods or services, or goods or services at particularly low prices, available to the runners thanks to connections that the runners have built and maintained. Goods and services sold be these sellers don't have availability (e.g., controlled or restricted) limitations. In general, prices are listed for purchases for personal use, not bunk resale.

The runners control the water plant in the jungle, which gives them influence and rep among the people who live there. These will be available as long as they keep paying the people who actually operate and guard the plant.  
===Janus Koskey===
[[Contacts#Janus_Koskey|Janus Koskey]] can either directly provide or act as middleman for a wide variety of offerings, but feels no need to discount his services. He can, for instance, provide [[#Forged_Credentials|forged credentials]] at the standard price, or introductions to other runners or specialists.
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[[Contacts#Shiba|Shiba]] has put together a side business [[#Vehicle_Credentials|forging vehicle registrations]] and is willing to provide said services to the shadowrunners at 70% the standard price, her personal cost.
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[[Contacts#RaverD|RaverD]] and Clingy Dinghy, formerly of the Brain Eaters, work together to provide [[#Personal Credentials|limited-time personal credentials]] and [[#Vehicle_Credentials|limited-time vehicle credentials]] at 50% the standard price. She builds the profiles and he inserts them into the relevant systems. Thanks to an infusion of resources by the PCs, they've expanded into forging full credentials at 90% the standard price and backstopping them at 50% the standard price.
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===The Wizards of the Coast===
Mac has built a relationship with this group of wizards on a farming commune in Snohomish, maintained by being available to do jobs when needed.
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|align=left| '''Type''' || '''Cost''' ||align=left| '''Description'''
|align=left| '''Type''' || '''Price''' ||align=left| '''Description'''
|align=left| Basic Lifestyle || - ||align=left| The runners can always find basic food and accommodation at a Squatter lifestyle level in the Plastic Jungles.
|align=left| Initiation || - ||align=left| The wizards can perform a hermetic initiation at the cost listed for it, removing availability limitations.
|align=left| Basic Healthcare || - ||align=left| The runners can always find low-quality healthcare from Mama Palazzo, equivalent to a Low lifestyle.
|align=left| Watcher Trap || 10,000¥ ||align=left| A one-use fetish that allows the wielder to subdue a watcher spirit. Once bound, the watcher may easily be destroyed. Alternatively, with proper use, the spirit can be later releases, no worse for wear, with no memory of its imprisonment
Having left Seattle for Borinquen, Jlee no longer provides services to the runners.

===The Red Hot Nukes===
===The Red Hot Nukes===

Maniac helped the Nukes take out some convoys that Lone Star was running through Redmond, which threatened their protection racket. As long as he stays close to the go gang, they'll offer a good deal on the vehicles that move through their chop shop.

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The Red Hot Nukes no longer provide services to the shadowrunners. Their numbers have been thinned by law enforcement as their smuggling operations for the Mafia have become increasingly difficult with the increased security at the border. Those who remain have little interest in doing business with the runners, given the PCs growing ties to the Yakuza.
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|align=left| '''Type''' || '''Cost''' ||align=left| '''Description'''
|align=left| Stolen Vehicle || 5,000¥ ||align=left| A stolen restricted-availability cost-2 [[Vehicles#Subcompacts|subcompact]], [[Vehicles#Sedans|sedan]], or [[Vehicles#Vans|van]].
|align=left| Stolen Vehicle || 10,000¥ ||align=left| A stolen restricted-availability cost-2 [[Vehicles#Choppers|chopper]], [[Vehicles#Sport_Utility_Vehicles|SUV]], or [[Vehicles#Medium_Transports|medium transport]].

Stolen vehicles do not come with VINs good enough to pass even a basic check.
==Experimental Biotech==

===The Wizards of the Coast===
Experimental biotech always carries with it risks beyond those of refined and tested technology. While some of these risks or drawbacks of the technology may be known, others may take months or years to become apparent.

Mac has built a relationship with this group of wizards on a farming commune in Snohomish. He can maintain it be being available to do jobs when needed.
Available through contacts with the Peruvian Yakuza.

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|colspan=5| '''Phenotype Adjustments'''
|colspan=2 align=left| '''Type''' || '''Cost''' || '''Treatment Time''' ||align=left| '''Description'''
|colspan=2 align=left| Léonization || 1,000,000¥ || 3 months ||align=left| A cutting-edge attempt to reverse the natural process of aging. The therapy resets the genetic mechanism that controls aging, effectively rebooting cell life to its youthful prime. After treatment, the patient is restored to a physical age of approximately twenty-one.
|colspan=2 align=left| Genewipe || 100,000¥ || 2 months ||align=left| This treatment is a major genetherapeutic procedure that inserts a tag into the body’s neurotransmitters that triggers accelerated cell death whenever these cease to receive regular neurochemical signals from the body—causing epithelial cells and hair to decompose more rapidly when they are removed from the body. As a consequence, biological trace evidence left by characters with this treatment irrevocably deteriorates after five minutes (rendering it useless for genetic profiling or ritual samples).
|colspan=2 align=left| Masque || 70,000¥ || 3 weeks ||align=left| This treatment changes parts of the character’s non-coding sequence so that a DNA scanner will not produce a positive identification when searching normal genome ID databases. While most DNA scanners will report a not-found result, some high-end scanners may indicate the absence of certain marker elements and report that further identification is required by other methods.
|colspan=2 align=left| Reprint || 80,000¥ || 1 month ||align=left| Reprinting establishes a new genetic profile changing commonly tested polymorphisms within the genome to create a new and unique genetic fingerprint. Only the new pattern is recognized by gene scanners or identified by genetic fingerprinting. Even if full genome sequencing is performed, there is no way to unambiguously identify the individual genetically.
|colspan=2 align=left| Cold Adaptation || 40,000¥ || 3 months ||align=left| Adaptation to cold environments modifies the subject’s metabolic processes to maximize internal heat retention. Transgenic restructured and isolative adipose and skin tissues, adjustment of interstitial and cellular fluids to lower temperatures, and cold-shock protein machineries that refold proteins under arctic temperature denaturing conditions protect the body against the effects of extreme colds. Characters that have undergone such treatment get Advantage when resisting cold- or ice-related harm and for surviving in cold environments.
* This treatment is incompatible with the same implants as heat adaptation.
|colspan=2 align=left| Heat Adaptation || 40,000¥ || 3 months ||align=left| Heat tolerance is conveyed by increasing water retention to avoid dehydration, speeding blood flow to increase heat diffusion, and using heat-resistant proteins that do not break down at higher temperatures. Skin layers are transgenically reinforced to protect against burning. This enhancement allows the character Advantage for resisting any heat or fire harm by covering the skin with a moist film. The character also receives Advantage for surviving in hot environments.
* This treatment is incompatible with the same implants as cold adaptation.
|colspan=2 align=left| Low Oxygen Adaptation || 35,000¥ || 3 months ||align=left| Adaptations for environments low in oxygen replace a few metabolic pathways with anaerobic equivalents originating from bacteria. Additionally, an adapted subject is usually outfitted with enhanced versions of hemo- and myoglobin in his bloodstream. These allow the subject to survive in a low-oxygen environment for an extended period of time. For instance, the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_zone death zone] at high elevations is no longer a problem for the patient. In game terms, may provide Advantage to checks in which oxygen availability is an issue.
|align=left| '''Type''' || '''Cost''' ||align=left| '''Description'''
|colspan=2 align=left| Microgravity Adaptation || 30,000¥ || 3 months ||align=left| The side effects of space habitation and return to Earth-normal gravity are reduced by alteration of bone and muscle density, fluid density, pressure receptors, and the otolith organs in the middle ear. Characters with this adaptation are not subjected to any form of space sickness during launch or landing. Any negative biological effects imposed for operating under microgravity conditions are negated. The character does not require any medical treatment when returning to Earth resulting from micro-gravity habitation.
|align=left| Initiation || - ||align=left| The wizards can perform an initiation at the cost listed for it, removing availability limitations.
|colspan=2 align=left| Pollution Adaptation || 35,000¥ || 3 months ||align=left| Engineering pollution tolerance relies on splicing in proteins capable of isolating and disposing of heavy metals or rendering organic contaminants toxins inert. Further, modifications include the enhancement of the body’s natural metabolic enzymes to deal with toxins more efficiently and to alter cellular receptors and metabolic intermediaries to be resistant to pollutants. Characters with this adaptation receive Advantage for the purpose of resisting chemical attacks from pollutants, heavy metals, and other related toxins.
|align=left| Watcher Trap || 10,000¥ ||align=left| A one-use fetish that makes it easier to subdue a watcher spirit.
|colspan=2 align=left| Radiation Adaptation || 35,000¥ || 3 months ||align=left| The body is made less susceptible to radiation exposure and damage from radioactive sources by reinforcing nucleic acid repair and DNA protection proteins. Characters receive Advantage for resisting damage from “hot” sources. In addition, the character triples the radiation dose that triggers the immediate side effects of light radiation poisoning or radiation sickness.

Latest revision as of 16:03, 13 March 2025


Downtime can be used to learn new abilities. The cost of learning a new skill or trick depends on the skill or trick to be learned, but will generally be tens of thousands of nuyen. The player should explain how the character has access to the opportunity to learn the ability. If an appropriate teacher can't be determined, the ability can't be learned.


Active skills useful for shadowrunning (e.g., Move Silently, Lockpicking, Parkour, Fast Talk) are generally 30-50k¥.

Developing a new local contact typically cost 10-20k¥. National and global contacts are more expensive.

A character can learn a restricted skill they gained access to from a piece of ware, an adept ability, or an initiation for 20k¥ plus half the cost of the ware, adept ability, or initiation. Similarly, learning a skill for casting a spell costs 20k¥ plus half the cost of the spell.

Experienced projectors can teach astral projection skills for 50k¥ each, such as Astral Patrolling, High-Speed Navigation, Astral Tracking, and Etheric Stealth.

Learning a conjuring skill costs 50k¥ per skill: Summoning, Banishing, Spirits of Man, etc.

A mundane skill for centering costs 20k¥ to learn.


Custom tricks generally cost 40-60k¥ depending on their applicability and the scope of their effect. A custom trick should be built off of an existing skill possessed by the character: a trick produces a specific type of successful effect equivalent to a bonus on a use of that skill.

Personal Spending

Characters can spend money on things not otherwise covered that are of a more personal nature: luxuries, partying, charity, etc. This should be described in light detail: purchasing a trid system, going to a downtown nightclub, funding a soup kitchen, etc. Players receive 1 action point for every 10k¥ they spend. Buying action point requires enough time to perform the described action.

Medical Services

Type Price Availability Description
Post-Combat Care
Adjustment 2,000¥ Restricted Minor treatment to prevent lingering effects after becoming Winded in combat.
Repair 10,000¥ Restricted Significant treatment to repair damage after being Exhausted in combat.
Reconstruction 50,000¥ Restricted Intensive care to recover after receiving an Injury in combat.
DocWagon DocWagon contracts provide for the arrival of an armed trauma team inside specified coverage areas. Medical and combat services include additional fees. DocWagon personnel death compensation is billed to the client.
Bronze 10,000¥/year Restricted Basic coverage.
Silver 20,000¥/year Restricted Premium medical accommodations.
Gold 50,000¥/year Restricted Enhanced coverage area and combat capability.
Platinum 100,000¥/year Restricted Luxurious medical accommodations. Health Monitor included.
Obsidian 250,000¥/year Controlled Maximal coverage area and combat capability. Death compensation fees are waived.
Genetic Cleansing 100,000¥ Restricted Repairs damage to the patient's genetic code, such as may occur from toxic or radioactive exposure. Requires a month spent in a medically-induced coma.
Total Rebuild 10,000,000¥ Restricted A vat-grown body to replace a total loss. Growing the replacement requires three months, but this can be performed in advance and the body kept in stasis. Even so, regrowing nerve connections between the vat body and the brain requires an additional week. Most likely to be an option where the patient has a black box. Replacement of unrecovered or destroyed cyberware not included in price.

Forged Credentials

SR2Aztlán ShowingID.png

Access to forged credentials requires an appropriate contact. SINs can be provided using physical ID (with QR code), commlink or pocket secretary, or an embedded SINRFID (see Personal Electronics).

Nearly every automobile on the road can wirelessly provide its VIN as a required feature of the Gridlink protocol.

Personal Credentials
Type Standard Price Best Price Description
Full Credentials 100,000¥ 90,000¥ A cover identity, with a SIN, good enough to access services requiring solid identification, including international and air travel.
Full Credentials Backstop 10,000¥ 5,000¥ A good fake SIN requires periodic refreshing, particularly after it's been hit by a background check. Used as a Cost on Skill Checks relevant to full credentials.
Limited-Time Credentials 10,000¥ 5,000¥ Temporary full credentials good for a few days.
Provisional Credentials 10,000¥ A provisional cover identity, no SIN included, crafted to match a specific purpose, such as a work travel permit for the Redmond barrens.
Provisional Credentials Backstop 1,000¥ Even a light cover requires periodic maintenance, particularly after it's been hit by a background check. Used as a Cost on Skill Checks relevant to provisional credentials.

Vehicle Credentials
Type Standard Price Best Price Description
Full Vehicle Credentials 10,000¥ 7,000¥ A VIN showing ownership and registration of a light vehicle such as motorcycle, car, van, or light truck. The registration is tied to a particular SIN.
Vehicle Credentials Backstop 1,000¥ 700¥ A good fake VIN requires periodic refreshing, particularly after it's been hit by a background check. Used as a Cost on Skill Checks.
Limited-Time Vehicle Credentials 1,000¥ 500¥ Temporary vehicle credentials good for a few days.

Special Vendors

These are sellers that have special goods or services, or goods or services at particularly low prices, available to the runners thanks to connections that the runners have built and maintained. Goods and services sold be these sellers don't have availability (e.g., controlled or restricted) limitations. In general, prices are listed for purchases for personal use, not bunk resale.

Janus Koskey


Janus Koskey can either directly provide or act as middleman for a wide variety of offerings, but feels no need to discount his services. He can, for instance, provide forged credentials at the standard price, or introductions to other runners or specialists.



Shiba has put together a side business forging vehicle registrations and is willing to provide said services to the shadowrunners at 70% the standard price, her personal cost.



RaverD and Clingy Dinghy, formerly of the Brain Eaters, work together to provide limited-time personal credentials and limited-time vehicle credentials at 50% the standard price. She builds the profiles and he inserts them into the relevant systems. Thanks to an infusion of resources by the PCs, they've expanded into forging full credentials at 90% the standard price and backstopping them at 50% the standard price.

The Wizards of the Coast


Mac has built a relationship with this group of wizards on a farming commune in Snohomish, maintained by being available to do jobs when needed.

Type Price Description
Initiation - The wizards can perform a hermetic initiation at the cost listed for it, removing availability limitations.
Watcher Trap 10,000¥ A one-use fetish that allows the wielder to subdue a watcher spirit. Once bound, the watcher may easily be destroyed. Alternatively, with proper use, the spirit can be later releases, no worse for wear, with no memory of its imprisonment


Having left Seattle for Borinquen, Jlee no longer provides services to the runners.

The Red Hot Nukes


The Red Hot Nukes no longer provide services to the shadowrunners. Their numbers have been thinned by law enforcement as their smuggling operations for the Mafia have become increasingly difficult with the increased security at the border. Those who remain have little interest in doing business with the runners, given the PCs growing ties to the Yakuza.

Experimental Biotech

Experimental biotech always carries with it risks beyond those of refined and tested technology. While some of these risks or drawbacks of the technology may be known, others may take months or years to become apparent.

Available through contacts with the Peruvian Yakuza.

Phenotype Adjustments
Type Cost Treatment Time Description
Léonization 1,000,000¥ 3 months A cutting-edge attempt to reverse the natural process of aging. The therapy resets the genetic mechanism that controls aging, effectively rebooting cell life to its youthful prime. After treatment, the patient is restored to a physical age of approximately twenty-one.
Genewipe 100,000¥ 2 months This treatment is a major genetherapeutic procedure that inserts a tag into the body’s neurotransmitters that triggers accelerated cell death whenever these cease to receive regular neurochemical signals from the body—causing epithelial cells and hair to decompose more rapidly when they are removed from the body. As a consequence, biological trace evidence left by characters with this treatment irrevocably deteriorates after five minutes (rendering it useless for genetic profiling or ritual samples).
Masque 70,000¥ 3 weeks This treatment changes parts of the character’s non-coding sequence so that a DNA scanner will not produce a positive identification when searching normal genome ID databases. While most DNA scanners will report a not-found result, some high-end scanners may indicate the absence of certain marker elements and report that further identification is required by other methods.
Reprint 80,000¥ 1 month Reprinting establishes a new genetic profile changing commonly tested polymorphisms within the genome to create a new and unique genetic fingerprint. Only the new pattern is recognized by gene scanners or identified by genetic fingerprinting. Even if full genome sequencing is performed, there is no way to unambiguously identify the individual genetically.
Cold Adaptation 40,000¥ 3 months Adaptation to cold environments modifies the subject’s metabolic processes to maximize internal heat retention. Transgenic restructured and isolative adipose and skin tissues, adjustment of interstitial and cellular fluids to lower temperatures, and cold-shock protein machineries that refold proteins under arctic temperature denaturing conditions protect the body against the effects of extreme colds. Characters that have undergone such treatment get Advantage when resisting cold- or ice-related harm and for surviving in cold environments.
  • This treatment is incompatible with the same implants as heat adaptation.
Heat Adaptation 40,000¥ 3 months Heat tolerance is conveyed by increasing water retention to avoid dehydration, speeding blood flow to increase heat diffusion, and using heat-resistant proteins that do not break down at higher temperatures. Skin layers are transgenically reinforced to protect against burning. This enhancement allows the character Advantage for resisting any heat or fire harm by covering the skin with a moist film. The character also receives Advantage for surviving in hot environments.
  • This treatment is incompatible with the same implants as cold adaptation.
Low Oxygen Adaptation 35,000¥ 3 months Adaptations for environments low in oxygen replace a few metabolic pathways with anaerobic equivalents originating from bacteria. Additionally, an adapted subject is usually outfitted with enhanced versions of hemo- and myoglobin in his bloodstream. These allow the subject to survive in a low-oxygen environment for an extended period of time. For instance, the death zone at high elevations is no longer a problem for the patient. In game terms, may provide Advantage to checks in which oxygen availability is an issue.
Microgravity Adaptation 30,000¥ 3 months The side effects of space habitation and return to Earth-normal gravity are reduced by alteration of bone and muscle density, fluid density, pressure receptors, and the otolith organs in the middle ear. Characters with this adaptation are not subjected to any form of space sickness during launch or landing. Any negative biological effects imposed for operating under microgravity conditions are negated. The character does not require any medical treatment when returning to Earth resulting from micro-gravity habitation.
Pollution Adaptation 35,000¥ 3 months Engineering pollution tolerance relies on splicing in proteins capable of isolating and disposing of heavy metals or rendering organic contaminants toxins inert. Further, modifications include the enhancement of the body’s natural metabolic enzymes to deal with toxins more efficiently and to alter cellular receptors and metabolic intermediaries to be resistant to pollutants. Characters with this adaptation receive Advantage for the purpose of resisting chemical attacks from pollutants, heavy metals, and other related toxins.
Radiation Adaptation 35,000¥ 3 months The body is made less susceptible to radiation exposure and damage from radioactive sources by reinforcing nucleic acid repair and DNA protection proteins. Characters receive Advantage for resisting damage from “hot” sources. In addition, the character triples the radiation dose that triggers the immediate side effects of light radiation poisoning or radiation sickness.