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|align=left colspan=3| '''Name''' || '''Cost''' ||align=left| '''Description'''
|align=left colspan=3| '''Name''' || '''Cost''' ||align=left| '''Description'''
|align=left colspan=3| Dreamhop || - ||align=left| The frog may enter and become an element of a target's dream, observing and participating in the events therein. The frog may define its own context within the dream, within the limits of plausibility.
|align=left colspan=3| Dreamhop || - ||align=left| The frog may enter and become an element of a target's dream, observing and participating in the events therein. The frog may define its own context within the dream, within the limits of plausibility. The frog must have line-of-sight to the target and be within a few meters.
|rowspan=5| ||align=left colspan=2| Share Dream || - ||align=left| The frog may bring their patron with them as an element of the dream. The frog may define their patron's context within the dream, within the limits of plausibility.
|rowspan=5| ||align=left colspan=2| Share Dream || 20,000¥ ||align=left| The frog may bring their patron with them as an element of the dream. The frog may define their patron's context within the dream, within the limits of plausibility.
|align=left colspan=2| Shape Dream || - ||align=left| The frog may form a new element of the dream—a person, an animal, an object, a place. The frog may specify a context with which the target knows or understands the element.
|align=left colspan=2| Shape Dream || 35,000¥ ||align=left| The frog may form a new element of the dream—a person, an animal, an object, a place. The frog may specify a context with which the target knows or understands the element.
|align=left colspan=2| Manifest Dream || - ||align=left| While in the presence of the target of a previously observed or shaped dream, the frog may manifest and control a single discrete element of that dream (a person, animal, or object) in the real world as a [[#Illusion_Spells|mana illusion]]. This may include a dream element created by the frog if it has the Shape Dream ability. While this manifestation obeys the frog's will, the involvement of the target in creating the illusion limits its actions by the established nature of the dream element.
|align=left colspan=2| Manifest Dream || 45,000¥ ||align=left| While in the presence of the target of a previously observed or shaped dream, the frog may manifest and control a single discrete element of that dream (a person, animal, or object) in the real world as a [[#Illusion_Spells|mana illusion]]. This may include a dream element created by the frog if it has the Shape Dream ability. While this manifestation obeys the frog's will, the involvement of the target in creating the illusion limits its actions by the established nature of the dream element.
|rowspan=2| ||align=left| Physical Manifestation || - ||align=left| The manifestation has physical substance, can lightly interact with the world, and gains the advantages of a physical illusion (i.e., presence on cameras). It cannot perform strenuous physical activity, complete complex tasks, manifest magical abilities, exhibit sophisticated skills, or otherwise engage in meaningfully productive activity. It remains a social apparition, but one that’s more convincing for being able to lift a glass, open a door, or otherwise perform simple physical interactions.
|rowspan=2| ||align=left| Physical Manifestation || 20,000¥ ||align=left| The manifestation has physical substance, can lightly interact with the world, and gains the advantages of a physical illusion (i.e., presence on cameras). It cannot perform strenuous physical activity, complete complex tasks, manifest magical abilities, exhibit sophisticated skills, or otherwise engage in meaningfully productive activity. It remains a social apparition, but one that’s more convincing for being able to lift a glass, open a door, or otherwise perform simple physical interactions.
|align=left| Masked Signature || - ||align=left| Alter the signature of the manifest dream to appear as another sort of magical phenomenon. At a basic level, the awakened-animal nature of this illusion may be masked. With skilled performance, the astral signature of an illusion of a dual-natured person or creature might appear as the natural astral presence of such a being.
|align=left| Masked Signature || 20,000¥ ||align=left| Alter the astral signature of the manifest dream to appear as another sort of magical phenomenon. At a basic level, the awakened-animal nature of this illusion may be masked. With skilled performance, the astral signature of an illusion of a dual-natured person or creature might appear as the natural astral presence of such a being.

===Enhanced Shapechange===
===Enhanced Shapechange===
Urni's change in horror patron has given her access to an alternate suite of supernatural abilities, enhancing her ability to shapechange.
As per her contract, Urni gains one fate point whenever she tempts fate: taking a rash gamble, an unconsidered step, or otherwise testing her luck. In addition to the nuyen cost, she must spend one fate point for each enhanced shapechange ability she learns. Additional fate points may be spent to reduce the cost of the enhanced shapechange ability by 10k¥ for each additional fate point spent. Fate points may also be used as action points.

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|align=left colspan=4| Subsume Clothing || - ||align=left| Your clothing is subsumed into your animal form, reemerging when you shift back.
|align=left colspan=4| Subsume Clothing || 25,000¥ ||align=left| Your clothing is subsumed into your animal form, reemerging when you shift back.
|rowspan=2| ||align=left colspan=3| Subsume Pocketed Items || - ||align=left| Pocketed items can be subsumed with the clothing, reemerging when you shift back.
|rowspan=2| ||align=left colspan=3| Subsume Pocketed Items || 50,000¥ ||align=left| Pocketed items can be subsumed with the clothing, reemerging when you shift back.
| ||align=left colspan=2| Subsume Carried Objects || - ||align=left| Everything non-living that you’re carrying is subsumed into your animal form, reemerging when you shift back. You must actually be able to move around at least at a slow walk while carrying this load.
| ||align=left colspan=2| Subsume Carried Objects || 150,000¥ ||align=left| Everything non-living that you’re carrying is subsumed into your animal form, reemerging when you shift back. You must actually be able to move around at least at a slow walk while carrying this load.
|align=left colspan=4| Medium Animals || - ||align=left| You can take on the form of non-awakened animals between a third your weight and your actual weight (e.g., dogs, coyotes).
|align=left colspan=4| Medium Animals || 30,000¥ ||align=left| You can take on the form of non-awakened animals between a third your weight and your actual weight (e.g., dogs, coyotes).
|rowspan=3| ||align=left colspan=3| Small Animals || - ||align=left| You can take on the form of non-awakened animals between a tenth your weight and your actual weight (e.g., cats, raccoons, eagles).
|rowspan=3| ||align=left colspan=3| Small Animals || 60,000¥ ||align=left| You can take on the form of non-awakened animals between a tenth your weight and your actual weight (e.g., cats, raccoons, eagles).
|rowspan=2| ||align=left colspan=2| Diminutive Animals || - ||align=left| You can take on the form of non-awakened animals between a hundredth your weight and your actual weight (e.g., pigeons, squirrels).
|rowspan=2| ||align=left colspan=2| Diminutive Animals || 90,000¥ ||align=left| You can take on the form of non-awakened animals between a hundredth your weight and your actual weight (e.g., pigeons, squirrels).
| ||align=left| Tiny Animals || - ||align=left| You can take on the form of non-awakened animals between a thousandth your weight and your actual weight (e.g., mice, sparrows).
| ||align=left| Tiny Animals || 120,000¥ ||align=left| You can take on the form of non-awakened animals between a thousandth your weight and your actual weight (e.g., mice, sparrows).

Latest revision as of 02:30, 18 March 2025

Due to strict regulations on the use and teaching of magic, all spells, rituals, and adept powers have the controlled availability. Costs are for legal, private tutoring from an experienced teacher. Learning a new spell or ability requires a week of practice.


Combat Spells

Combat spells should be selected to correspond to the tactical combat build of a player using spellcasting as the description for the direct-damage attacks of their character. Additional types of spells that are compatible with the tactical combat build may be purchased for use in achieving different effects when enemies are taken out, or for use outside of tactical combat. Note that mana-type combat spells do not harm machines, only creatures with an aura (living creatures, spirits, etc.); however, they may be used in astral combat while astrally projecting, so find some use with spellcasters. Unless specified, characters are assumed to be using physical and lethal type combat spells.

Damage Type Touch / Bolt / Ball Spell Names Cost Description
Physical, Lethal Shatter / Powerbolt / Powerball 50,000¥ Magical energy beats and breaks physical creatures. Enemies that are taken out are killed or destroyed.
Physical, Stunning Punch / Clout / Blast 50,000¥ Magical energy bruises physical creatures. Enemies that are taken out are unconscious or disabled.
Mana, Stunning Knockout / Stunbolt / Stunball 50,000¥ Magical energy disorients and stuns physical creatures. Enemies that are taken out are unconscious.
Mana, Lethal Death Touch / Manabolt / Manaball 50,000¥ Magical energy corrupts and disrupts living and magical creatures. Enemies that are taken out are dead.
Physical, Acid Acid Touch / Acid Stream / Toxic Wave 50,000¥ Acid-type damage eats away at physical creatures. Enemies that are taken out are killed or destroyed.
Physical, Electric Static Shock / Lightning Bolt / Ball Lightning 50,000¥ Electric-type damage can stun living creatures while destroying machines. Living enemies that are taken out may be unconscious or dead, while machines are destroyed.
Physical, Fire Flaming Hands / Flamethrower / Fireball 50,000¥ Fire-type damage can burn physical creatures. Enemies that are taken out are killed or destroyed.

Detection Spells

Detection spells give the subject a new or augmented sense or perception for as long as they are sustained. Detection spells may be cast on oneself or on another voluntary subject touched.

Detection spells, except otherwise noted, are opposed by their target(s). Barring special circumstances, targets that lose the opposed roll are unaware of the detection spell. Living targets that win the opposed roll have some sense of the attempt, with their knowledge influenced by their experience with magical detection. In-between results may include target knowledge as a negotiated element.

Name Cost Description
Analyze Device 50,000¥ The examination of a mundane device or piece of equipment reveals information related to its purpose and operation. Opposed by the object's resistance (natural objects as if untrained, low-tech objects as if trained, high-tech objects as if specialized).
Analyze Magic Device 25,000¥ The examination of a magical object reveals information related to its purpose and operation. Opposed by the object's power.
Analyze Truth 75,000¥ Attempts to directly sense dishonesty in a targeted live speaker. Opposed by the person being examined.
Animal [Sense] 25,000¥ Share a single sense, chosen when the spell is learned, of a non-sentient, non-paranormal animal. The subject uses the sense in place of his own, experiencing whatever the animal is experiencing via that sense. The spell is resisted by the animal, not by the target of the animal's sense. The animal must be within line of sight. Opposed by an animal's force of will, if unfriendly.
Astral Window 10,000¥ Create a window through an astral barrier on the astral plane. The window can be seen through but not moved through. Opposed by the creator of the barrier.
Catalog 10,000¥ The subject can compile a comprehensive, itemized list of all the non-living items within fifty meters using automatic writing. Descriptions are general and items the subject would not recognize on sight are listed as "unknown." Unopposed.
Clairaudience 100,000¥ Hear from a remote sensor instead. The sensor may travel up to fifty meters away. Unopposed.
Clairvoyance 100,000¥ View from a remote sensor instead. The sensor may travel up to fifty meters away. Unopposed.
Combat Sense 100,000¥ Detect a violent encounter within fifty meters moments before it happens, allowing you to avoid being taken by surprise. Opposed by the instigator.
Detect Enemies 100,000¥ Attempts to detect living creatures within fifty meters with hostile intent to the spellcaster. Opposed by those with hostile intent.
Detect Enemies, Extended 100,000¥ Detect enemies, as above, at ten times the range in return for being Winded after casting.
Detect Individual 50,000¥ Detect a known individual if within fifty meters. Opposed by the known individual.
Detect Life 50,000¥ Detect living beings within fifty meters. Opposed by the living creatures, particularly those who are strong willed.
Detect Life, Extended 50,000¥ Detect life, as above, at ten times the range in return for being Winded after casting.
Detect [Life Form] 25,000¥ Detect a particular form of life if within fifty meters. The form of life must be specified at the time the spell is learned. Opposed by the life form to be detected.
Detect [Life Form], Extended 25,000¥ Detect [life form], as above, at ten times the range in return for being Winded after casting.
Detect Magic 50,000¥ Detect active magic (spells, foci, wards, magical lodges, alchemical preparations, active rituals, and spirits) within fifty meters. Opposed by the caster or other source.
Detect Magic, Extended 50,000¥ Detect magic, as above, at ten times the range in return for being Winded after casting.
Detect [Object] 25,000¥ Detect a particular type of object. The type of object must be specified at the time the spell is learned. Opposed by the object's resistance (natural objects as if untrained, low-tech objects as if trained, high-tech objects as if specialized, the object's power if magical). The detection does not distinguish between different subtypes (e.g., Detect [Weapons] doesn't tell the caster which detected weapon is a gun and which is a knife), though such a distinction might be provided as a Bonus.
Popular detection target types include weapons, guns, explosives, drugs, smuggling compartments, armor, cyberware, foci, credsticks, datachips, keys, locks, doors, surveillance equipment, communications equipment, Matrix access points, fingerprints, metahuman DNA samples, vehicles, wallets, and jewelry.
Diagnose 25,000¥ Detect the general health and any illnesses, injuries, or other medical problems of a target. Opposed by the target, if unwilling.
Eyes of the Pack 50,000¥ The subject can use the sight of any voluntary metahuman targets within fifty meters. The subject can switch between targets at will.
Night Vision 50,000¥ Gain low-light vision. Unopposed.
Translate 50,000¥ Sets up a low-level telepathic connection between a subject and voluntary target, allowing them to understand each other's speech as if the subject spoke the target's native language.

Health Spells

Healing spells may be cast on oneself or another target touched.

Name Cost Description
Alleviate Allergy 10,000¥ Block the effects of an allergy on the target as long as the spell is sustained.
Awaken 5,000¥ A touched subject is immediately awake and alert.
Cause Allergy 20,000¥ A target within LOS is subject to a specific allergy.
Cripple Limb 25,000¥ A touched limb is disabled as long as the spell is sustained.
Cure Disease 50,000¥ Treat a disease.
Decrease [Attribute] 20,000¥ A specified attribute – agility, logic, charisma, etc. – is impaired.
Detox 50,000¥ Counteract a poison, toxin, drug, or similar. Does not repair any damage already done.
Heal 100,000¥ The magical equivalent of First Aid. Applies appropriate treatment to stabilize a badly injured patient, or completely heals a minor injury.
Healthy Glow 25,000¥ Performs a cosmetic rejuvenation – brightening eyes and hair, removing dead skin, and promoting general well-being. The effects wear off after a few days.
Hibernate 25,000¥ The target, if willing or unconscious, enters a form of suspended animation. They may persist for up to a month on a day's worth of air, and without food or water.
Intoxication 20,000¥ A target within LOS becomes inebriated as long as the spell is sustained.
Oxygenate 100,000¥ The target doesn't need to breath.
Stabilize 100,000¥ As long as the spell is sustained a living target will not die.

Illusion Spells

Mana illusions only affect living and magical targets, excluding machines. Physical illusions create real light, sound, and other forces, but only function against physical targets, excluding spirits. Note that while spirits will perceive mana illusions while manifested in the material plane, anything astrally perceiving, as astrally-natured beings continuously are, will likely notice the existence of an illusion spell in the astral plane.

Name Mana / Physical Cost Description
Agony Mana 20,000¥ A target within LOS is wracked with pain.
Bugs Mana 20,000¥ A target within LOS perceives themselves as being swarmed with bugs.
Camouflage Mana 50,000¥ A person, small group, or object up to the size of a small truck blend with their background so long as their remain unmoving.
Physical Camouflage Physical 50,000¥ A person, small group, or object up to the size of a small truck blend with their background so long as they remain unmoving. You are left Winded.
Chaff Physical 20,000¥ A non-living target within LOS is battered with a storm of input.
Chaos Physical 20,000¥ A target within LOS is bombarded with chaotic light and noise. You are left Winded.
Confusion Mana 20,000¥ A target within LOS is buffeted with abstract imagery.
Dream Mana 25,000¥ Craft a sleeping target's dreams.
Entertainment Mana 50,000¥ Creates an obviously-unreal illusory performance for targets within LOS.
Trid Entertainment Physical 50,000¥ Creates an obviously-unreal illusory performance within LOS. You are left Winded.
Foreboding Mana 20,000¥ One or more targets within LOS feel a subtle feeling of imminent danger, fear, and unease.
Invisibility Mana 100,000¥ A touched target goes unseen.
Physical Invisibility Physical 100,000¥ A touched target is rendered invisible. You are left Winded.
Mask Mana 100,000¥ A touched target appears as someone else.
Physical Mask Physical 100,000¥ Applies an illusory appearance to a touched target. You are left Winded.
Phantasm Mana 50,000¥ The perception of an object or creature under the caster's control can be imposed on those within LOS.
Physical Phantasm Physical 50,000¥ Creates the illusion of an object or creature within LOS. You are left Winded.
Hush Mana 50,000¥ Prevents one or more targets within LOS from being heard.
Silence Physical 50,000¥ Dampens sound in an area. You are left Winded.
Stealth Physical 50,000¥ A touched target no longer makes sound. You are left Winded.
Stink Mana 20,000¥ One or more targets within LOS perceive a sickening smell.
Vehicle Mask Physical 100,000¥ As physical mask, but for vehicles. You are left Winded.

Manipulation Spells

Name Cost Description
Animate 25,000¥ Animates an object weighing less than 25 lb. within LOS.
Alter Memory 100,000¥ A living target gains a single memory, which is likely to fade with time. Opposed by the target.
Alter Temperature 25,000¥ Alter the local temperature, though not to a dangerous degree.
Change Shape 500,000¥ A voluntary target is temporarily shifted to the form of a normal critter chosen by the caster. The critter must weigh about the same as the target. Clothing and equipment are not transformed, while cyberware is subsumed into the animal form.
Clean [Element] 25,000¥ Clear all impurities from a ten cubic meter volume of an element (i.e., air, earth, water), specified at the time the spell is learned.
Compel Action 100,000¥ A living target thoughtlessly performs a minor action. Opposed by the target.
Compel Thought 100,000¥ A simple idea occurs to the target. Opposed by the target.
Compel Truth 100,000¥ The target cannot knowingly lie. Opposed by the target.
Control Fire 50,000¥ Control up to ten cubic meters of natural flame within LOS.
Create Food 30,000¥ Create a meal for a small group out of thin air.
Fashion 30,000¥ Re-tailors a set of clothes according to cut, color, and fit. The total weight and area of clothing remains unchanged.
Fix 100,000¥ Repairs damage to a non-living materials, including machines. Can only repair broken items when all pieces are present. Can only be used once to repair any particular set of damage.
Fling 10,000¥ Flings a small object.
Gecko Crawl 50,000¥ A touched target can crawl slowly along any surface, though slick surfaces will be challenging.
Ice Sheet 10,000¥ Creates a sheet of ice across a touched area.
Ignite 5,000¥ A touched target ignites if flammable.
Levitate 100,000¥ Lift an object or person weighing no more than 500 lb.
Light 1,000¥ Creates a mobile personal light similar to a lantern. Can float freely or be attached to a person. Requires modest concentrate to move if free-floating, but can be left in a stationary position while performing other tasks.
Lock 25,000¥ A door, portal, closure, or other similar object is telekinetically held closed while the spell is sustained.
Magic Fingers 50,000¥ Use skills as with weak remote hands.
Makeover 25,000¥ Performs a complete makeover for a voluntary subject, including cosmetics and hair.
Mana Barrier 25,000¥ Impedes astral perception and passage, including spells.
Mind Probe 100,000¥ Probe an unwilling subject's mind within fifty meters. Opposed by the person being probed. Significant success is required to read more than surface thoughts. Hidden thoughts and long-buried memories require time as well as significant success in probing. You are left Winded.
Mindlink 50,000¥ Exchange mental impressions with a willing target so long as the target remains within fifty meters.
Physical Barrier 50,000¥ Impeded physical perception and passage.
Poltergeist 1,000¥ Creates a distracting, spooky, but not particularly damaging or horrifying whirling chaos.
Shadow 50,000¥ Creates a globe of darkness.
Shape Earth 50,000¥ Up to ten cubic meters of earth can be moved and shaped.
Shape Water 50,000¥ Up to ten cubic meters of water can be moved and shaped.
Sterilize 10,000¥ Kills all bacteria and other microorganisms, as well as removing organic material (e.g., skin flakes, stray hairs, spilled blood), in a targeted area. Cannot be used on multicellular organisms.
Suggestion 100,000¥ Implants a minor compulsion in a target's mind for a few minutes. Opposed by the target.

Adept Abilities

Adept abilities can only be learned by adepts. Adepts cannot cast spells.

Name Cost Description Game Benefit
Animal Telepathy 100,000¥ You can construct a telepathic link with an animal that you lock eyes with. Animals don't use words, but mental concepts can be communicated either way. Gain access to the Restricted Skill "Animal Telepathy".
Blind Fighting 30,000¥ You can invisibly sense those you engage in melee. Can fight with Disadvantage in the dark, when blinded, when blindfolded, etc.
Body Control 30,000¥ You are attuned to the inner workings of your body. Selectively immune to toxins, drugs, intoxicants. Advantage to relevant checks (e.g., playing dead, holding breath).
Breaching Blow 50,000¥ With a single strike you can open a doorway through a non-reinforced interior wall. Gain access to the Restricted Skill "Breaching Blow".
Combat Awareness 50,000¥ You have heightened senses in a combat setting. You may use Assess as a Free Action once per combat.
Combat Sense 100,000¥ You can detect a violent encounter within fifty meters moments before it happens, allowing you to avoid being taken by surprise. GM provides slight advance warning.
Direction Sense 1,000¥ You can always tell what direction is north and your general height above or below sea level. -
Disguise 100,000¥ You can appear as someone else, real or imagined. Gain access to the Restricted Skill "Adept Disguise".
Disguise Possession 50,000¥ You can apply a physical illusory disguise to a touched object for as long as you maintain contact. Gain access to the Restricted Skill "Adept Disguise".
Empathic Sense 50,000¥ You can sense the feelings of someone you can see. Gain access to the Restricted Skill "Empathic Sense".
Flexibility 30,000¥ Your limbs are unusually limber, able to twist and bend more than a normal person's. You can slip out of ropes, handcuffs, and other bindings, and squeeze through small openings and passages that would be difficult for a normal person to fit through (e.g., transoms, ventilation ducts). Advantage or automatic success as appropriate.
Freefall 30,000¥ You can fall up to four stories without taking falling damage. -
Gecko Crawl 25,000¥ You can crawl at walking speed along any surface, though slick surfaces still require a roll. Advantage or automatic success as appropriate.
Human Scale 1,000¥ You can figure out the weight of an object down to the gram if you are able to lift or carry the object. -
Improved Hearing 30,000¥ You can hear high and low frequency sounds. Gain a Bonus when rolling 5+ on hearing-based checks.
Improved Scent 20,000¥ You can identify scents as well as a bloodhound. Gain a Bonus when rolling 5+ on smell-based checks.
Improved Sight 45,000¥ You can see as well as a hawk. Gain a Bonus when rolling 5+ on sight-based checks and the skill "Telescopic Vision".
Improved Tactile 20,000¥ Your fingers are sensitive to imperfections on the surface of an object, allowing you to notice something as subtle the indentation of writing on a piece of paper (even paper on a pad beneath the sheet that was actually written on). Gain a Bonus when rolling 5+ on touch-based checks.
Improved Taste 20,000¥ You can recognize the contents of food or drink by taste alone. Gain a Bonus when rolling 5+ on taste-based checks.
Killing Hands 100,000¥ You can use your bare hands as full melee weapons in combat. Full-strength covert weapons for melee attacks.
Kinesics 100,000¥ You have complete control over your body’s nonverbal and subconscious communication and social cues, which may be used in social situations. Further, you can subtly change your movement profile to prevent gait or other motion analysis or to match a studied subject. -
Leap 75,000¥ You can make incredible jumps over long distances: a dozen yards high and dozens of yards long. -
Light Body 100,000¥ You can fly yourself slowly through the air carrying an amount of weight you could handle while walking. Gain access to the Restricted Skill "Light Body".
Low-light Vision 10,000¥ You can see normally in low light. Ignore Disadvantage for low-light conditions.
Natural Immunity 25,000¥ You are immune to all mundane diseases. -
Perfect Pitch 1,000¥ You can recognize a musical tone either from hearing it or even feeling the vibration frequency. This doesn’t mean that you’re a good singer, just that you can recognize when you’re off key. -
Ritual Meditation 25,000¥ You can contribute to one of shamanic or hermetic ritual casting, selected at the time this power is learned. If the adept knows conjuring, the choice of tradition must be the same. -
Shadow Walk 100,000¥ You can render yourself invisible to both living creatures and machines. Gain access to the Restricted Skill "Shadow Walk".
Shapechange 250,000¥ You temporarily shift to the form of a normal critter you select. The critter must weigh about the same as you do. Clothing and equipment are not transformed, while cyberware and bound magic items are subsumed into the animal form. Gain access to the Restricted Skill "Shapechange".
Suspended State 25,000¥ You can enter into a still, meditative state in which your requirements for food, water, and air are significantly reduced, as is your rate of bleeding, if any. -
Temperature Tolerance 25,000¥ You can endure extreme temperatures as if wearing high-level protective gear. -
Thermographic Vision 10,000¥ You can see in infrared. See in the dark with only Disadvantage.
Traceless Walk 100,000¥ You can move over surfaces—even snow, sand, or thin paper—without leaving visible traces. You make no noise through contact with the floor (though movement may still cause other sounds), giving you advantage to moving silently. You don’t trip ground-vibration or pressure sensors. You can’t walk across liquid surfaces—you’re magical, not miraculous—but you can walk across deep snow without sinking. You can still be tracked by non-visual cues such as scent, or by visible disturbances marking a trail on something other than the surface you walk on, such as bent branches in the woods. Gain access to the Restricted Skill "Traceless Walk".
Undetectable 50,000¥ You are invisible to Detection spells and related magical abilities. -
Voice Control 100,000¥ You get an amazing level of control over the properties of your voice. You can change your voice’s pitch, modulation and tone at will, as well as increase your volume. You can mask your voice, imitate sounds within the normal range of metahuman vocalization (no infrasound or ultrasound), and mimic the voices of others. -
Wall Running 25,000¥ You can run up or along walls or other vertical surfaces a limited distance, up to half-a-dozen meters. If you want to run up longer distances, you’ll need steps, ledges, or somewhere you can stop and then use this power again. -
Weapon Retrieval 30,000¥ You can recall from within 50 meters a throwing weapon back to your hand immediately after attacking with it. -


Initiations provide access to enhanced magical abilities. These reflects new avenues of magical practice, as distinct from merely learning a new spell or adept ability. Members of any tradition can learn any of the initiations below.

Learning an initiation involves completing either an ordeal or accepting a geas. The amounts listed below reflect appropriate costs for earning an initiation without the use of game play time. For instance, a horse shaman might accomplish a deed ordeal during down time through the expenditure of time and money (paying the cost below) to rehabilitate a habitat for wild horses. Ordeals undertaken during play time can defray some or all of the costs of an initiation in lieu of receiving ordinary rewards.

Name Cost Description
Astral Perception 25,000¥ You gain astral perception: the ability to perceive astral space.
Astral Projection 250,000¥ You gain astral projection: the ability to move one's aura independently through astral space, separate from the body.
Astral Resilience 100,000¥ When astrally-projecting you can last for ten to twelve hours instead of five to six before suffering from the consequences of extended astral travel. Can be taken multiple times, doubling the cost with each doubling of astral resilience.
Metaplane Projection N/A You can go on astral quests to the metaplanes.
Centering 100,000¥ You learn how to center, using a mundane practice to aid magical abilities. You can select a centering skill you are not trained in, though selecting it does not give you training in that skill; it must be learned through normal means.
Additional Centering 10,000¥ Select a second skill you can center with. Can be taken multiple times. The benefit of the two skills does not stack.
Conjuring 250,000¥ You can conjure: summoning, controlling, banishing, and otherwise channelling astral power into spirits. Hermetic mages conjure elementals (up to three at a time) and shamans conjure nature spirits (one at a time). Physical adepts must select one of the two to conjure at the time they learn this initiation.
Ally Spirit Varies You can summon an ally spirit. One-use.
Elemental Mastery 100,000¥ You can keep two additional elementals bound when summoning elementals. Can be taken multiple times, doubling the cost each time.
Great-Form Conjuring N/A You can summon great-form spirits. Each summoning requires a metaplane quest to perform.
Watchers 50,000¥ You can also conjure watcher spirits (up to three at a time).
Watcher Mastery 50,000¥ Double the number of watchers you can bind. Can be taken multiple times, doubling the cost each time.
Divining 300,000¥ You can gain insight into future events concerning a specific subject. You must assense the subject or posses a material link to it. You then use a divination skill (e.g., astrology, dowsing, dreaming, sortilege, haruspicy) to attempt to foretell the future. Information about the future tends to be vague, to reflect only possible futures, and to be subject to change. Taking this initiation doesn't grant the selected skill.
Flexible Divining 10,000¥ Select a second skill you can divine with. Can be taken multiple times.
Familiar Connection 100,000¥ You can bond a friendly awakened animal as a familiar (awakened animal not included). Can be taken multiple times to add additional familiars.
Flexible Signature 100,000¥ You gain a flexible signature: you can alter your astral signature, so as to attempt to cast spells or use adept abilities under a false or forged signature.
Masking 100,000¥ You can use masking: changing the appearance of your aura and astral form.
Watcher Conjuring 100,000¥ You can conjure watcher spirits (up to three at a time), but gain access to no other conjurer abilities. Reduces the cost of learning full conjuring by 50k¥.
Watcher Mastery 50,000¥ Double the number of watchers you can bind. Can be taken multiple times, doubling the cost each time.


Awakened metahumans (mages, shamans, and adepts) can bond an awakened animal to themselves as a familiar. This provides a supernatural connection with the familiar that can be exploited in various ways, as represented by the abilities below. Spending money to gain these abilities is not a straight purchase, but instead represents an investment of resources. Where a hermetic mage might buy orichalcum to build a ritual circle, a shaman might give offerings to their guiding spirit, and an adept might simply provide their familiar with time and comforts. Gaining a reliable familiar ability takes weeks of practice.

Name Cost Description
Astral Perception 25,000¥ The familiar can astrally perceive.
Astral Companion 50,000¥ The familiar can join an astral projection, whether yours or an ally's. Requires familiar astral perception.
Astral Projection 200,000¥ The familiar can astrally project on its own. Requires astral companion.
Human Intellect 50,000¥ The familiar has a recognizably human intellect. It understands complex or abstract human concepts.
Language 20,000¥ The familiar speaks and understands one language known by its master. Can be taken multiple times for multiple languages. Requires Human Intellect.
Metamorph 20,000¥ The familiar can appear as a different animal of its general type. For example, a crow could appear as a parrot, but not a mountain lion.
Shared Senses 25,000¥ The master can choose to perceive any of their familiar's senses and can choose to share any of their own with the familiar.
Shared Spells 50,000¥ The familiar may also benefit from spells or adept abilities that benefit its master. Where the benefit of a spell or ability is variable, such as Disguise or Shapechange, the effect on the familiar should match the effect on the master.
Telepathic Bond 20,000¥ Gain a telepathic link with the familiar. Animals don't use words, unless the Language ability is taken, but mental concepts can be communicated either way.
Undetectable 20,000¥ The familiar is invisible to Detection spells.

Shamanic Paths

Shamanic paths are groups of abilities that can be granted to followers of a particular shamanic spirit. These abilities aren't for sale. Costs instead represent sacrifices to the spirit, contributes to causes that embody his spirit, aid provided to fellow shamans, etc. And even this payment isn't sufficient if the spirit doesn't favor the shaman.

Shamanic path abilities are lost if the shaman betrays the guiding spirit. Shamanic path abilities are unavailable if their use would displease the guiding spirit.

General Purpose

These abilities can be taken for any shamanic path, swapping in the shaman's specific spirit.

Type Cost Description
Trust in [Spirit] 30,000¥ Gain the Trick "Trust in [Spirit]": When faced with a dilemma or choice between multiple paths, call on your spirit and they will provide guidance as to which path they think you should take.

The Path of Bear

Type Cost Description
Forest Affinity 5,000¥ Bear is a steward of the forest. If you approach its inhabitants with respect, they will respect your association with Bear. Gain Advantage to summoning forest spirits.
Healing Totem 25,000¥ Bear heals and restores, and aids those who do the same. Gain Advantage to healing spells and rituals.
Fearless 50,000¥ Bear never backs down from a fight. When you go into a violent situation despite Disadvantage, and you succeed, gain an Action Point.
Force of Nature 50,000¥ The strength of Bear is evident in you. Gain the Trick "Force of Nature": Someone you have the opportunity to engage with is awed by your force of will and joins a just cause to protect the weak.
Mercy Beyond Measure 50,000¥ Bear helps even those who don't deserve it. When you heal someone for no personal gain despite their enmity, disdain, or disgust for you, gain an Action Point.
Nurturing Spirit 50,000¥ When one of your party members wants to turn back or give up and you remind them of what you are fighting for and convince them to press on, they get an Action Point. When the other party members are bickering and you solve the problem, whoever agreed to compromise or give in gets an Action Point. Limit one Action Point from this ability per session per player.
Path of Peace 50,000¥ When you convince a teammate to take a non-violent path instead of the violent one they were set on, they get an Action Point. Limit one per teammate per session.
Tough Hide 50,000¥ Gain the Trick "Tough Hide": Ignore one Condition for the duration of one conflict (that is, one Combat, Team Conflict, or Chase, or one scene of regular rolls).
Unstoppable 50,000¥ Replace "Tough Hide" with "Unstoppable": Ignore all Conditions for the duration of one conflict (that is, one Combat, Team Conflict, or Chase, or one scene of regular rolls).

The Path of Gator

Type Cost Description
Brawn Over Brains 50,000¥ When you use brute force to solve a situation that seemed to call for intellect or delicacy, gain an Action Point.
Brute 50,000¥ When you have Disadvantage for being unarmed or insufficiently armed compared to your opponents, or for trying to force something that ought to require a tool, and you succeed on the roll anyway, gain two Action Points.

The Path of Owl

Type Cost Description
Teaching Spirit 50,000¥ When you help someone with an Unskilled Roll and they get a 6 on the roll (whether or not your help mattered), gain two Action Points.
Spirit of Wisdom 100,000¥ When you make an Unskilled knowledge roll, you may roll using the Skilled table. If you do, and you roll a Bonus, you must choose to learn the Skill.

The Path of Raven

Type Cost Description
Smooth Talker 50,000¥ When you talk someone into something despite having Disadvantage for their poor disposition toward you, gain two Action Points.
Trickster 50,000¥ When you succeed in a lie despite Disadvantage for the lie being very hard to believe, gain two Action Points.



The dream frog naturally possesses the dreamhop power. An intelligent dream frog familiar can improve this ability with time, training, and the help of their patron.

Name Cost Description
Dreamhop - The frog may enter and become an element of a target's dream, observing and participating in the events therein. The frog may define its own context within the dream, within the limits of plausibility. The frog must have line-of-sight to the target and be within a few meters.
Share Dream 20,000¥ The frog may bring their patron with them as an element of the dream. The frog may define their patron's context within the dream, within the limits of plausibility.
Shape Dream 35,000¥ The frog may form a new element of the dream—a person, an animal, an object, a place. The frog may specify a context with which the target knows or understands the element.
Manifest Dream 45,000¥ While in the presence of the target of a previously observed or shaped dream, the frog may manifest and control a single discrete element of that dream (a person, animal, or object) in the real world as a mana illusion. This may include a dream element created by the frog if it has the Shape Dream ability. While this manifestation obeys the frog's will, the involvement of the target in creating the illusion limits its actions by the established nature of the dream element.
Physical Manifestation 20,000¥ The manifestation has physical substance, can lightly interact with the world, and gains the advantages of a physical illusion (i.e., presence on cameras). It cannot perform strenuous physical activity, complete complex tasks, manifest magical abilities, exhibit sophisticated skills, or otherwise engage in meaningfully productive activity. It remains a social apparition, but one that’s more convincing for being able to lift a glass, open a door, or otherwise perform simple physical interactions.
Masked Signature 20,000¥ Alter the astral signature of the manifest dream to appear as another sort of magical phenomenon. At a basic level, the awakened-animal nature of this illusion may be masked. With skilled performance, the astral signature of an illusion of a dual-natured person or creature might appear as the natural astral presence of such a being.

Enhanced Shapechange

Urni's change in horror patron has given her access to an alternate suite of supernatural abilities, enhancing her ability to shapechange.

As per her contract, Urni gains one fate point whenever she tempts fate: taking a rash gamble, an unconsidered step, or otherwise testing her luck. In addition to the nuyen cost, she must spend one fate point for each enhanced shapechange ability she learns. Additional fate points may be spent to reduce the cost of the enhanced shapechange ability by 10k¥ for each additional fate point spent. Fate points may also be used as action points.

Name Cost Description
Subsume Clothing 25,000¥ Your clothing is subsumed into your animal form, reemerging when you shift back.
Subsume Pocketed Items 50,000¥ Pocketed items can be subsumed with the clothing, reemerging when you shift back.
Subsume Carried Objects 150,000¥ Everything non-living that you’re carrying is subsumed into your animal form, reemerging when you shift back. You must actually be able to move around at least at a slow walk while carrying this load.
Medium Animals 30,000¥ You can take on the form of non-awakened animals between a third your weight and your actual weight (e.g., dogs, coyotes).
Small Animals 60,000¥ You can take on the form of non-awakened animals between a tenth your weight and your actual weight (e.g., cats, raccoons, eagles).
Diminutive Animals 90,000¥ You can take on the form of non-awakened animals between a hundredth your weight and your actual weight (e.g., pigeons, squirrels).
Tiny Animals 120,000¥ You can take on the form of non-awakened animals between a thousandth your weight and your actual weight (e.g., mice, sparrows).

Compression Rod

The compression rod persistently decreases the size and mass of non-living objects. Once properly understood, it provides the following power to its user:

Name Cost Description
Basic Compression - Gain access, though not inherently training, in a skill specific to the rod. You can shrink freestanding nearby objects up to the size of a large van down to pocket-sized, though they must remain within a few meters of the rod or they immediately revert. Decompressing an object can be performed at will by the user. The device must be charged with astral energy extracted from a recently-deceased person (within thirty minutes), which is expended when a Cost is rolled on an activation check.

With time, study, and the application of sufficient resources the use of the rod may be improved. When learning a new ability, either a charge must be expended or an explanation must be given of how the rod is recharged.

Name Cost Description
High Compression 50,000¥ You can shrink freestanding objects up to the size of a large truck.
Second Charge 20,000¥ The rod can store two charges.
Third Charge 30,000¥ The rod can store three charges.
Always Prepared 20,000¥ You can use the compression rod skill to declare, retroactively, that you are carrying a compressed piece of general-purpose equipment on you.
Perfectly Prepared 30,000¥ Gain the Trick "Perfect Equipment": You're carrying the equipment, you don't have to pay the Cost, and the equipment has one feature surprisingly well adapted to the current situation.