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==Renraku Arcology Holiday Heist Payment Recovery==
The group determined that JLee was looking to abscond with the money from the Renraku Arcology heist. She's fled to [[The World#Boston|Boston]] while pretending to be operating out of Seattle thanks to a hardline Matrix redirect she purchased from the Code Coyotes decker gang in Boise, Auburn.
Mac, Maniac, Shiba, and Urni purchased [[Services#Forged Credentials|limited-time credentials]] good through Sunday, January 27, 2058, while Florian travelled under his real name. They used the forged credentials to rent a Renraku Busman passenger van and a Volkswagen Superkombi panel van. They flew into Philadelphia to meet up with Gregory Armtwister, collected their equipment flown into New York by the Rocky Mountain Harriers, and are now hunting JLee in Boston.
The group achieved the best possible result in gathering Matrix usage data to track JLee down. Late the evening of the 23rd, Shiba was able to determine that JLee and her boyfriends are hiding out at Bastion House, a secure hotel in a C-Security Rating area of Chelsea, across the Mystic River from Boston:
* Reinforced exterior doors and windows.
* Secure garage beneath the building.
* Airlocked entrance lobby.
* 24/7 on-site security:
** Cameras around the perimeter and in public areas, monitored on-site.
** Watcher spirit patrolling public areas.
** Armed guard in lobby.
** Additional armed guards rotating between monitoring cameras and patrolling the interior.
* Rapid-response contract with Knight Errant on redundant panic lines.
The group figured out what room they were staying in and confronted them. They collected all the remaining money for the job. They left JLee and her boyfriends enough money to travel as planned to Borinquen (formerly Puerto Rico), but only after getting her to do ~30k¥ in decking work to aid Urni with her efforts to take down the Tír Tairngire critter smuggling ring.
Florian, Mac, and Urni each earned a financial karma reward of 15k¥.
'''Game Mechanics'''
Three heists getting Shiba access to a computer system at a particular location. The decking is modeled by a board game determined by how well the PCs do: Poor, Good, or Exceptional. Points awarded according to how well the GM does: 1 for 1st place, 5 for 5th place. If the game produces a tie for any place after any tiebreakers are resolved, advantage goes to the GM if they are involved in the tie; otherwise, the relevant karma reward(s) are divided between the players.
Tracking JLee determined according to the accumulated points:
* '''13+:''' Total success: Shiba can figure out where JLee is within a few hours. Chance of making more money than otherwise would have on the Renraku heist.
* '''10+:''' Major success: Shiba needs a few days to track JLee down. Will likely result in a profit from this heist that recoups what should have been earned on the Renraku heist.
* '''7+:''' Minor success: JLee flees the country, but the PCs find enough to track her down.
* '''< 7:''' Total failure: JLee escapes and can't be found.
1st non-GM player in each game earns 10k¥ during downtime. 2nd non-GM player in each game earns 5k¥ during downtime.
Easy Location: Computer Science Department
* Get Shiba a chunk of time in one of the faculty offices of the CS department that has a decked connection set up (about half the faculty have this).
* "Academics hate people telling them what to do, so security, while not nonexistent, is lighter than it should be. And they’re easily cowed, at least when they perceive they’re supposed to act deferentially, so there’s room for some social engineering."
* "Little of my time is going to be spent actually cracking the system. Most of it is going to be on data searches, which I’m going to need to hide among the usual traffic to avoid catching the eye of the system overwatch deckers."
** "So, if we go during working hours, which is, like, 10-6 for these people, I’ll be more efficient. Give me half an hour and I’ll get us something we can work with (Poor result), but give me most of the day (call it 5 or 6 hours) I’ll be able to get a lot (Good result)."
** "If we go overnight obviously there’ll be less people around, but that’ll make it harder to hide. I’ll need most of the night (call it 8 hours) just to get anything useful (Poor result)."
* Fairchild Building
** Shares building with Scanning Electron Beam Lithography (SEBL) workshop and the Central Machine Shop.
** Windows don’t open.
** Public access during business day, keycard swipe required after hours.
Hard Location: Matrix Security Overwatch Station
* Get Shiba 1 minute at the console where the university’s overwatch deckers operate (Excellent result).
** Senior and 1-3 junior decker on-staff at all times, one of them always plugged in if not both. 2-3 junior deckers and the most experienced senior decker during the day, 1 senior and 1 junior on two night shifts.
** Located in the campus secure data haven. Where the most important data is kept.
** JLee doesn’t have access to the secure data haven, but it contains the security data Shiba needs in a rapidly-retrievable form.
** Secure facility buried underground, guarded by high-grade technological and magical security.
* On-campus
** Not a public space, but they don’t check ids just to walk around campus.
** Modest campus security. No watcher spirits outside.
* In the administrative building.
** Front entrance in a front lobby.
** Door to front lobby open during business hours, requires card swipe after hours.
** Administrative staff behind desk during business hours.
** Watcher spirit that patrols the public areas of the first floor.
** Side doors with card swipes during the business day, locked and alarmed after hours.
* Off the main lobby.
** Full-time guard in the main lobby during business hours. Patrolling first floor after hours.
** Card-swipe door to get to access tunnel. Left side of lobby from the front lobby.
* Secure hallway to lower room.
** Descending slope—stairs and ramp, pipes and cables running beneath the floor—to put earth around it.
** Ultrasonic sensors covering the hallway.
** Secure door with ivy growing on the interior side of it at the bottom of the hallway.
* Lower guard room.
** Surrounded by earth. Only path an astrally-projecting mage or spirit could take is through the hallway, with ivy blocking the door when closed.
** Watcher spirit stationed in the lower guard room. Manifests and screams if anyone doing anything magical other than astrally perceiving.
** Two guards armed with pistols.
** Tracked security drone behind a concealed door, ready to be controlled by rigger.
** Biometric check (fingerprint) to get through secure door at the far side of the room, compared with record retrieved based on id presented to the guards.
* Hallway leads to server room and administration station, with decker jack-ins.
** Have to leave the secure area to use bathroom, eat, anything.
'''Novatech Regional Routing Hub'''
Novatech regional routing hub. Basic Matrix infrastructure. Good all around security.
Poor/Good/Exceptional performance based on which of three sub-locations. Iteratively higher levels of security. Ultra-fast search, so only a little time needed: 30 seconds.
Exceptional, core switching hub. Very busy work floor. Need to be able to open up panels and such.
* At same depth of security as Good, but way more visible. Much harder social problem.
Good, one of the maintenance decking stations nearby to the core switching hub.
* Inside serious magical security
Poor, office in mid-security section.
* This is outside the serious magical security.
A security area around it. AAA security inside.
“Most of the metroplex falls into rating A security. This level of security generally covers any area with a Middle lifestyle, which accounts for the largest percentage of residential sections of Seattle. These areas receive excellent security, but the level of coverage decreases dramatically from the AA level, primarily because Lone Star lacks sufficient personnel. These areas usually have regular street patrols but only rare astral, drone or security- rigger presence.
Law enforcement in these areas is basically a call-and-response system. This means there are actually a lot of PanicButton booths and neighborhood watch groups and other organizations willing to call in at the slightest hint of criminal activity. This “community policing” tends to result in a higher number of false alarms, which in turn means response time is a bit slower.”
Enter through the lobby, which has keycard swipe pulling up a picture to be matched.
Office building standing 7 stories tall on half the lot. Modest security in the area. No cameras, no wandering guards, no patrolling watcher spirits. Keys and keycards. Quick response time to problems, though.
Routing facility taking up the other half of the lot. Two stories tall, lots of air conditioners on the roof.
* Biometric access.
* Physical adept / aspected mage on security detail using astral perception.
* Air spirit on guard duty patrolling the switching area and decking stations.
* Equipped with emergency-release of FAB to slow astral intruders if the spirit alerts.
Main routing hub, with the servers Shiba would need access to for Exceptional result, is in the open. Lots of cameras. Personnel moving through regularly. Major air spirit passing through regularly.
Decking stations are regularly passed-by, but less strange to see someone decking there. Air spirit passes by regularly.
'''Beacon Hill House'''
Beacon Hill townhouse belonging to Juan and Genevieve (Gene) Fong. JLee’s MIT&T’s classmate's parents’ place (Pamela).
Poor/Good/Exceptional performance based on mix of time and location. Two sub-locations. 1 hour vs 1 minute. Any time of day.
Beacon Hill neighborhood, which is across the Charles River from MIT&T. Very expensive neighborhood, AA security from Knight Errant. Beacon Hill precinct, which is part of Boston (unlike MIT&T, which is in Cambridge). Expensive townhouse (row house style).
AA security (not, say, the AAA of Louisburg Square).
“The AA rating is usually reserved for High-lifestyle areas and businesses that want constant coverage but don’t want to pay for around-the-clock deterrent measures. Patrols cover the area 24 hours a day, but are less frequent. Astral patrols take place on an irregular schedule, and there may not be a security rigger system set up. Drones and sprits may guard certain areas in place of humans.
Response is prompt, but will take a back seat if something is going down in a AAA area. The standard officers respond first and only call in a specialist if needed. Assignment to this area is also viewed as a promotion, so officers investigate complaints thoroughly, if not as quickly as in a AAA area.”
Astrally-projecting mages do periodic patrols. They move at 20-30 mph, not their full speed, to have a chance to spot what’s happening.
Hard location is the old roommate’s old bedroom, which they still keep for her. Has an antique decking setup that she can piggyback off of. Fourth floor of the house.
Easy location is the basement hookup to the local fiber-optic network. Laundry, storage, but people aren’t down there all that often.
==Mob War==
The assassination of James "The Hammer" O'Malley created a power vacuum between the criminal syndicates of Seattle. In addition to internal conflicts within the Mafia, the Triads, Yakuza, and Seoulpa Rings all took the opportunity to try to claim as much territory as they could.
Maniac paid off his 260,000¥ gambling debt owed to Yakuza lieutenant "Hungry" Hino by getting his fellow shadowrunners to do a series of jobs disrupting criminal enterprises controlled by syndicates competing with the Shigeda-gumi clan for control of the Redmond barrens.
The shadowrunners assassinated Aldo “Al the Squid” Burke of the Bigio family for the Yakuza by framing him for an attack on the Lucky Lounge casino then delivering him to [[Characters#Caesar_.22Chrome.22_Ciarniello|Caesar "Chrome" Ciarniello]] for an extended dispatching, earning themselves a second commission.
The shadowrunners stole 70k¥ from the Bella Notte restaurant in West Touristville, which is used as a drop and distribution point for dirty money from the Redmond Barrens. Urni stole/rescued the guard dog, a female Hell Hound named Lunatic, to add to her pack of critters.
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{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 align=center
|style="background:#eaecf0" colspan=2| '''Target''' ||style="background:#eaecf0"| '''Description'''
|style="background:#f5f6f8" colspan=2| '''Mafia''' ||style="background:#f5f6f8"|
|style="background:#f5f6f8"| '''1''' ||style="background:#f5f6f8"| The Lucky Lounge || The first floor is a bar and lounge. The second and third floors are a “private members’ club” offering a variety of table games. While the Mafia’s main gambling operations are the legal casinos in Everett, the Lucky Lounge caters to people who want easier access to Redmond’s other illicit offerings.
|style="background:#f5f6f8"| '''2''' ||style="background:#f5f6f8"| Hollywood Simsense Entertainments || This factory in Redmond churns out cheap simsense gear and even cheaper sim-chips. The place has its own studios, which produce mostly soft porn and horror-schlock, using "actors" with all the emotional impact of wet carp. The company is in the pocket of the Seattle Mafia and cranks out low-grade BTL chips for sale to chippies all over the metroplex. In its back rooms, Hollywood films hardcore sim-porn and even worse drek, like snuff-films using "actors" recruited from the streets of the Barrens. A lot of wannabe actors and actresses end up working in one of HSE's productions after becoming addicted to BTLs, so they'll do whatever the director says for another hit.
|style="background:#f5f6f8"| '''3''' ||style="background:#f5f6f8"| Piazza Pixel || A 24-hour Matrix cafe. Mostly terminals, but with some basic simsense rigs in the back. The Mafia runs identity theft, phishing, and carding schemes out of an office on the second floor.
|style="background:#f5f6f8" colspan=2| '''Triad''' ||style="background:#f5f6f8"|
|style="background:#f5f6f8"| '''4''' ||style="background:#f5f6f8"| Jade Pavilion Racing || Off-track betting. They mix spoofed credstick transactions in with the real ones to spread counterfeit money good enough to pass the sort of offline credit checker common in the barrens.
|style="background:#f5f6f8"| '''5''' ||style="background:#f5f6f8"| The Basin || Triad soldiers prove their skills by hunting unfortunates tagged with explosive collars in the Rat’s Nest, with bets taken on every aspect of the competition.
|style="background:#f5f6f8" colspan=2| '''Seoulpa Rings''' ||style="background:#f5f6f8"|
|style="background:#f5f6f8"| '''6''' ||style="background:#f5f6f8"| Pine Lake Trailer Park ||  A number of chem-manufacturing labs are mixed in with the mobile homes in this trailer park by the lake.
|style="background:#f5f6f8"| '''7''' ||style="background:#f5f6f8"| Nexus Medical || Native American abductees are delivered from over the border by a NAN gang for organlegging at this body shop.
|style="background:#f5f6f8" colspan=2| '''Special''' ||style="background:#f5f6f8"|
|style="background:#f5f6f8"| '''X''' ||style="background:#f5f6f8"| Aldo “Al the Squid” Burke || A sotocapo of the Bigio family. Runs a series of joytoy joints in Mafia territory in Redmond. Kill him in a way that makes it look like part of the intra-mob war. The marked location is for is home in Bellevue.
|style="background:#f5f6f8"| '''$''' ||style="background:#f5f6f8"| Bella Notte || An Italian restaurant in west Touristville, outside the wall. Used for laundering money from Redmond, the restaurant does terrific business despite the modest number of customers.
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==Renraku Arcology Holiday Heist==
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 align=right
| &nbsp;&nbsp;Renraku Arcology, Holiday Heist Map&nbsp;&nbsp;
The runners were recruited by the decker JLee of the Brain Eaters onto a heist of the Renraku Arcology held while a group of human-supremacist gangers called the Party Ghouls took hostage for ransom the upper-class attendees of a holiday party being held in the Renraku UltraMall. Despite unexpected complications, including multiple spirit encounters, the runners completed the job so cleanly that they were able to steal some additional artwork, adding to the already-lucrative score.
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<u>Holiday Heist Accounting</u>
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 align=left
|style="background:#eaecf0" colspan=4| '''Payments'''
|style="background:#f5f6f8"| '''Zone''' ||style="background:#f5f6f8"| '''Target''' ||style="background:#f5f6f8"| '''Score''' ||style="background:#f5f6f8"| '''Expected Value'''
| 1 || Renraku Community Hospital || 6d4 k¥ || 15 k¥
| 2 || Life Oasis Hydroponic Garden || 1d20 + 1d8 + 1d6 k¥ || 18.5 k¥
| 3 || SynthTech Cyberware Manufactory ||colspan=2| 30 k¥
| 4 || AoiYume TriD Studios || 2d20 + 3d8 k¥ || 34.5 k¥
| 5 || Celestial Flow Aquaculture ||colspan=2| 39 k¥
| 6 || Lift Monitoring ||colspan=2| 33 k¥
| 7 || Kōhaku Alchemy Institute ||colspan=2| 45 k¥
| 8 || Arcology Sentry Assembly || 5d10 + 6d6 - 2 k¥ || 46.5 k¥
| 9 || Renraku University of Seattle ||colspan=2| 60 k¥
| 10 || Skyview Condo of Kiyohiko Matsuyama,<br>Managing Director of Renraku America || 5d12 + 4d10 + 4d8 <br>+ 4d6 + 3d4 k¥ || 94 k¥
| 10* || Kiyohiko Matsuyama Artwork || 3d4 x 10 k¥ || 75k¥
|style="background:#f5f6f8" colspan=2| '''Total Acquired''' ||style="background:#f5f6f8"| 205 + 9d4 + 11d6 + 8d8 <br>+ 9d10 + 5d12 + 3d20 k¥<br>+ 3d4 x 10 k¥ ||style="background:#f5f6f8" rowspan=2| 490.5 k¥
|style="background:#f5f6f8" colspan=2| '''Acquired Range''' ||style="background:#f5f6f8"| 280 - 701 k¥
|style="background:#eaecf0" colspan=3| '''Total Expected Payout''' ||style="background:#eaecf0"| 486 k¥
<br clear=all>
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 align=left
|style="background:#eaecf0" colspan=2| '''Incidental Costs and Windfalls'''
|style="background:#f5f6f8"| '''Item''' ||style="background:#f5f6f8"| '''Amount'''
| Bribe || -300¥
| Credstick || +500¥
| Decking Software || -1100¥
| Drugs || -300¥
| Maniac Replacement Knee Joints || -5000¥
| Urni Physical Therapy || -4000¥
| Maniac Electronics Cyber-Tools Wear and Tear || -600¥
| Mac Electronics Toolkit Wear and Tear || -600¥
| Maniac Mechanical Cyber-Tools Wear and Tear || -200¥
| Mac Wand Realignment || -900¥
| Premium Vodka || -400¥
| Drugs || -500¥
| Micro-Saw || -300¥
| Custom Security Board || -4000¥
|style="background:#f5f6f8"| '''Total''' ||style="background:#f5f6f8"| -17,800¥
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==Awakened Animal Community==
Urni was rescued by a group of awakened animals living in the Plastic Jungle.
The runners struck back at the elven poachers responsible. They rescued a group of animals the poachers were trying to take to Tír Tairngire and warned the Tir Dutchess responsible not to operate in Seattle anymore. During the conflict with the elf operatives, the runners killed one (a rigger), injured one (an adept) while convincing her to stop working for the poachers, and let one (a hermetic mage) escape along with his familiar.
==California Free State==
The runners helped the Redbird Gypsies steal storage equipment for the live talismongering materials that can be harvested in the Northern Crescent, framing the Redeye ork go-gang. The equipment was being transported by the Ravens, an elf go-gang, to the Harvest Home elf settlement. The shipment also contained an Ares Macrotechnology surface-to-air missile equipped with a modified warhead based on Nine's Dragonkiller design. The Redbirds were attacked by an unidentified stealth strike team and the missile was recovered. Maniac reported on all this to the Shamans of Shasta.
Maniac provided the wrongly-acquired totemic wolf mask to a Shasta wolf shaman for proper disposal.
The group instigated a security lockdown at a Solar Cybernetics facility allowing Shiba to siphon proprietary research information from an emergency mainframe data-dump performed in response, accessed using security protocols recovered during a job at a Solar Cybernetics facility in Denver.
The runners stole computer model information for a collection of film characters.
The group recovered one of Dunkelzahn's dragon stones, first stolen by Kazuya "The Dragon" Hotomi, formerly a member of the Yakuza in Denver, and ultimately used in opening a doorway to an astral space housing draconic souls. They delivered the stone to the Draco Foundation.
The group used stolen network security information to aid a run on Solar Cybernetics in Denver. Shiba pitched the job: a job to steal corporate data: the team will cause chaos with covert contractors for Solar Cybernetics in the California Free State, prompting an emergency data-dump protocol, which Shiba will siphon off for black-market resale.
==Bug City==
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 align=right
|+ '''Dunkelzahn's Six'''
! Target !! Status
| [[Documents#James Delany|James Delany (Illusionist)]] || Deceased
| [[Documents#Dr. Edward Fenwick Oden|Dr. Edward Oden (Professor)]] || Rescued
| [[Documents#Gregory Armtwister|Gregory Armtwister (Bouncer)]] || Rescued
| [[Documents#Protacio Corcoran|Protacio Corcoran (Handyman)]] || Rescued
| [[Documents#Katherine Sitsu|Katherine Sitsu (PhD Student)]] || Rescued
| [[Documents#Sissel McCarthy|Sissel McCarthy (Journalist)]] || Rescued
The group sold information taken from Genevieve Wong to various buyers:
* pharma research to an undisclosed buyer for 50k¥
* horror summoning research to the Draco Foundation for 150k¥
* horror-based time-manipulation research to an unknown buyer for 50k¥
* personal journals to her widow for 5k¥
Based on Dunkelzahn's will, the group rescued Dr. Edward Oden, Gregory Armtwister, Protacio Corcoran, Katherine Sitsu, and Sissel McCarthy from the CCZ while killing James Delany. They were paid 500k¥ by the Draco Foundation in Denver.
The group used a captured LAV-103 Striker Light Tank, three Knight Errant border patrol uniforms, three Lone Star air recon uniforms, a border patrol flamethrower, and a reprogrammable transponder with pre-loaded Knight Errant security codes to escape the Zone.
A decker Sarina "Shiba" Kōmura was recruited onto the team from a [[Decker Hiring|variety of options]].
A pod person named Frankie Quick was sold to Saeder-Krupp's University of Chicago.
Urni has begun her mastery of the miniaturization wand she took from a horror. This has, presumably, ended her interest in funding research into a miniaturization ray.
The runners assassinated a summoner named Genevieve Wong to satisfy a vendetta by Gregory Armtwister to convince him to leave with them.
Nine discovered a group of sewer children taught to survive by members of the Green 4800.
Maniac used the oddly-carved brick to draw the insect spirits away from their captured pod person.
The horror corpse, and horror arm that Maniac stored in the APC minifridge, reverted to a human appearance. They asked some people waiting near the market to deliver the arm to the university if contact with them reopens.
Kara Sullivan, senior administrator with the Draco Foundation, paid the runner to plant three repeaters for the Matrix in the Containment Zone. They were paid 50k¥ per repeater set up. They worked with a combined group of matrix techs, the Chrome Traders and Chicago Free Matrix. The runners directly assisted in setting up the final repeater, the internal matrix of the containment zone has now been connected to the outside world.
The group was paid a base rate of 80k¥ for Fast Flesh IP plus a 30k¥ bonus for some interesting goo they saw.
The runners paid Janus Koskey 5% of their proceeds from activities in the Containment Zone for his Chicago-area contact and another 2% to Kambei for providing transport through the Native American Nations.
==Renraku Arcology==
JLee of the Brain Eater collects on a debt from when she helped the runners get some software for a job. She wants a backdoor planted in a state-of-the-art computer control system being installed in the upper floors of the Renraku Arcology. They can provide a pair of cover identities (registered SIN, etc.) with an electrical contractor (Etta Electronics) doing work on floor two below that of the computer control room.
The runners successfully installed the software, as well as sabotaging a view server racks, creating an alternative explanation for any short-term problems JLee's worm causes as it replicates across the distributed system. The runners are collectively paid 40,000¥ for their efforts.
The Renraku Arcology is being built according to a pan-Japanese mysticism, incorporating both Buddhist and Shinto beliefs. Five kamido (god vault) are being built inside of various internal business units. They are corporate equivalents of the kamidana (god shelf), the home shrine. Each is being built to house kami relevant to the business. The establishment of all five will be self-reinforcing, each one strengthening the other. Destroying the kamido would be pointless, they would be rebuilt. Instead they must be manipulated so that the wrong sort of kami will take up residence.
The five kamido are being built according to the five Buddhist elements: earth, water, fire, wind, and void. However, neither the Yamatetsu Johnson or contact know exactly how these kamido will be instantiated. They need the runners to get in, find them, and disrupt them.
The earth kamido is built into the central structural core of the building. Sheets of washi (Japanese paper) inscribed with Japanese characters are hung from four key structural shafts, accessible through maintenance areas. The stability characters of the ofuda were changed to instability, with the steel supporting shafts weakened with a chemical concoction.
The water kamido is a health clinic. Beneath the lobby floor is plumbing to support a waterfall that’s going to be installed. There’s a freezer vault already installed on the opposite side of the wall that will store blood use to regularly rejuvenate the chief executives and make them more youthful. It had an ofuda inside promoting adaptability that was changed to promote weakness and infirmity. The temperature regulation of the freezer was sabotaged.
The fire kamido is an executive bunraku parlor. A feminine chrome and platinum humanoid robot is crated and ready for assembly, to dance in the lobby. Inside its torso was an ofuda promoting drive and passion, which was subverted to instead embody guilt. A fire sculpture installed in the VIP room was subtly sabotaged to be less impressive.
The air kamido is a simsense parlor with inhaled intoxicants. The intoxicants were spiked with a hallucinogen causing dark visions, with the ofuda hidden in the unit similarly changed from promoting open-mindedness to promoting paranoia.
The void kamido is the computer control room. The ofuda was found in the server rack for the VR system, which was changed from promoting creativity to promoting rigidity.
The runners were paid 100,000¥ as a group.
==Briar Tower==
Janus Koskey pitches the shadowrunners on another job.
“Now, places that are obvious looting targets, they’re getting increased security, whether it’s rent-a-cops or gangers more interested in building rep and holding territory than joining in the fun and games themselves. Jewelry stores, electronic stores,.. that motorcycle place on 9th has the Brain Eaters setting up turrets.”
“So what we do is hit someplace that isn’t worried about rioters, and where we benefit from the increased Lone Star response time.”
The display screen shows a daylight picture of a fifteen-story office building, the sun shining off polished glass behind a manicured lawn.
“Briar Tower. State of the art security, both physical and magical. No way to break in without setting off half a dozen alarms. But once the rioting spreads into Bellevue, which it will, you hit the tower like you’re just part of the crowd. The alarms go off, the watcher spirit runs screaming. But instead of Lone Star being there within a minute or two, it’s five, even ten. And during that time you’re trashing the ground floor, but you’re also tricking out the security system, so that before they arrive you can slip into the upper floors without leaving a trace. And then the building is yours.”
“You’ll still have to deal with the individual security for each of the tenants, but you’ll have time to do it in.”
“A lot of them won’t be interesting. Two law firms, some accountants, a media relations agency,” logos, websites, pictures go by on screen, “the business offices of a tool and die company,..”
“We ignore most of it. But there’s at least three worth a visit.”
“Third floor. HyperVid Gaming. Did that big Bug City trid last year. Take whatever you can get of their new game”
“Blingee Custom Metalwork. Jewelry for the newly rich. Tens of thousands of Nuyen in display pieces, and should be a couple hundred thousand in materials in the back.”
“Gallery S. Private art gallery. I was able to pull invoices for high-value shipments from around the world.”
“Should be easy.”
The runners took various goods that they fenced for a payoff of 40,000¥ per runner: precious metals from Blingee, artifacts and vampire blood from Gallery S, and game data from HyperVid Gaming.
The runners gained evidence of activity by insect spirits in the assassination of General Yeats near Bug City.
==University of Washington Research Project==
Janus Koskey contacted the team, reporting that he’s found an urgent job bid from a temporary research post set up in the middle of the Mowich lava flow. They claim to need urgent extraction for one passenger and some valuable cargo and are looking for someone willing to take the job. Due to the chaos in the Sprawl, they haven’t had any takers yet, so if the PCs can get out there ASAP, they could take for themselves whatever that valuable cargo is.
The runners fought their way through an escaped lava elemental and a mine-controlling horror to free an enslaved research team and close a rift to a hell dimension. They sold the research data for a tier 2 reward each, as well as scavenging a trike, some drones, and some cyberware.
* The utility drones on the surface (IWS DLK MK 6 Utility Machine, Mesametric Kodiak Construction System). Hard to transport. Worth a Tier 1 and Tier 2 Cash Parcel respectively.
* The blimp in the air (Aerodesign Systems Condor LDSD-41 II). Worth a Tier 1 Cash Parcel.
* A Jeep Rover (all-terrain trikes with balloon tires). Worth a Tier 1 Cash Parcel.
* The rigger’s right cyberarm, with a conspicuously unnatural segmented brick-red surface (implanted electrical tools, implanted mechanical tools, fine senses, claws, magnetic grapple). Yamatetsu Workman. Top of the line. Worth a Tier 1 Cash Parcel. Tier 1 Cash Parcel to install.
* The rigger’s cybereyes, the iris’s a blue field of stars in a circle, surrounded by a laurel wreath (enhanced optical processing, low-light sensors, thermographic vision, microscopic vision, telescopic vision). Ares Opticons w/ custom irises. Again, top of the line. Worth a Tier 2 Cash Parcel. Tier 1 Cash Parcel to install. Easy to swap out the cosmetic irises for regular ones if they want.
* The rigger’s Ares Predator with Smartlink and a laser targeting system. Counts as a Tier 1 upgrade for anyone using guns.
* The rigger’s rigging equipment is high-end. It gives advantage to Overwatch checks. Checks where you’re keeping an eye on an area to watch for trouble.
* Spy’s right cyberhand (natural covering, implanted lockpicks (middle and ring), fingernail compartment (pinky), fingerprint remapper (right index), palm injector (lethal snake venom); Ares Dextra with custom parts, worth a Tier 2 Cash Parcel. Shaky Sheila can get a color-matched natural covering and install for a Tier 1 Cash Parcel if one of the PCs want it.
* Spy’s hidden skilljack running an Iris Firmware knowsoft titled “Documentation Procedures for Combined Magical/Technological Experiments.” Worth a Tier 1 Cash Parcel.
==The Duke’s Apartment==
Janus Koskey, proprietor of Crusher 495, has learned that a Tir Tairngire Duke has a luxurious penthouse apartment in Touristville that he uses when he visits the Barrens for some of its illicit pleasures. The apartment is decorated with elven works of art, the closet filled with fine clothing, and the bar stocked with expensive fey liqueurs. Koskey has a contact with building security that can get them access to the building, though they’ll still have to figure out how to deal with the additional security that the apartment itself is likely to have.
Stealing the valuables can be expected to bring in hundreds of thousands of nuyen, which after Koskey’s cut, results in a tier 2 reward for each PC.
The crew blew up the transformers providing power to the area of the apartment building late at night to knock out the power. With the electronic security disabled, Maniac recruited a bear spirit to wrangle the building's watcher spirit. This gave the crew plenty of time to work inside the building, though Lone Star surveillance of some nearby looting prompted by the blackout encouraged a speedy loading of the cargo. The team successfully robbed the apartment by running packages down a zipline to a van parked outside, as well as defacing the walls with human-supremacy graffiti. In escaping, they needed to evade a barrens gang car excited by the blackout and looting.
The team received a tier 2 reward each for the haul provided to Koskey, and an additional tier 1 reward each for cash they found on the premises. They also found some paperwork in Sperethiel relating to property investments in Touristville by the Duke Ra Phanuel, which they are planning to have translated.
==The Big D==
One of Urni’s street contacts overheard an off-duty Lone Star officer speaking at a cop bar in Bellevue, hinting, after a few too many drinks, that some sort of metahuman riot would be prompted in Redmond during Dunkelzahn’s campaign stop in the Sprawl. The dragon will be forced to choose whether to support the rioting metahumans, either depressing his metahuman base or hurting his ability to widen his appeal. There’s no sign of a paycheck anywhere in this, but if someone doesn’t do something it could be a real blow to the great dragon’s campaign on the eve of the second debate.
The runners discovered an aborted conspiracy within Lone Star to provoke a riot in the Redmond Barrens in an attempt to discredit Dunkelzahn. A young patrolman, Hampton Lee, was prevented from carrying out his unknown plan by Irene “The Bull” Turnbull, a lieutenant overseeing Redmond in the Crime Suppression Division of the Seattle Lone Star operation, with the implication that Turnbull had some involvement in the plan.
==Eliminating the Competition==
The Red Hot Nukes want to make it clear that they're the only law on the Barrens highways and so reached out to Maniac with a job offer. Lone Star has been running test convoys of goods out of factories in the Barrens, which risks cutting into the Nukes own protection business. They want to avoid directly confronting Lone Star, so they need an independent group to keep hijacking shipments until the businesses get the point. One rule, none of the hijackings can make the roads any more impassable, as the Nukes want to keep running cargo once the Star is gone. The Nukes will provide information regarding the convoys, including timing and load information.
The Red Hot Nukes wouldn't normally need outside help to take a convoy, and so are charging half the value of any convoy taken for providing the convoy information. This leaves each runner a tier 1 cash parcel for each load taken, after the Nukes' cut, until Lone Star is scared off. In addition, a good reputation with the Nukes will make it easier to find ground vehicles and get assistance on the Barrens roadways.
The Nukes rode out themselves to confront Lone Star, hiding their gang signs and including some non-dwarf hires, including Maniac, to try to disguise who they were. They successfully took down the convoy, but it's unclear if Lone Star was fooled.
==Taking the Corners Back==
The Brain Eaters are looking to muscle up and approached Mac with an offer to put him and his comrades to work. While they've been able to use their automated security to hold their territory in Touristville, the Rusted Stilettos have pushed them out of the area near Glow City, where the Brain Eaters had been running a profitable trading operation with the local mutants: salvaged tech from the nuclear reactor, infused with the toxic spirit of Glow City, in return for BTLs, chems, and weapons. The Eaters are confident that, as the Stilettos don't have as much use for the resonant tech, a few good hits on their crews, followed by some overwatch to help with any retaliations, should get the gang back their territory.
The Brain Eaters will pay each runner a few thousand nuyen (a tier 1 reward) once their territory near Glow City is secured. In addition, a good reputation with the Eaters will make it easier to find computer gear, make it easier to find decking support, and leads to higher-profit jobs driven by the info they can pull down from the Matrix.
The runners helped the Brain Eaters take a prime trading spot in a small city park near Glow City from the Rusted Stilettos by blowing up the local crew chief and his bodyguards, stealthily assassinating the soldiers, sicking a Talis Cat on one group of corner boys, and sicking Maniac on the other. The Brain Eaters now have the park defended with automated turrets.
==Into the Plastic Jungles==
==Into the Plastic Jungles==

Line 11: Line 481:
Mama's son Rich was taken captive by a group of wendigo engineers and their cannibal horde, aided by a small biomedical firm, Ace Biologics. The wendigo were running the water plant for the dome complex, with Ace supplying the group and using the aerosolization of the vapor distributors to test behavior modification drugs on the inhabitants of the Jungle. The runners killed the wendigos and their horde, and with the cooperation of Green 4800 – after convincing them not to destroy the jungle infrastructure – eliminated the next delivery run by Ace, giving the runners time to set up their own operation in the water plant.
Mama's son Rich was taken captive by a group of wendigo engineers and their cannibal horde, aided by a small biomedical firm, Ace Biologics. The wendigo were running the water plant for the dome complex, with Ace supplying the group and using the aerosolization of the vapor distributors to test behavior modification drugs on the inhabitants of the Jungle. The runners killed the wendigos and their horde, and with the cooperation of Green 4800 – after convincing them not to destroy the jungle infrastructure – eliminated the next delivery run by Ace, giving the runners time to set up their own operation in the water plant.

The runners blackmailed Ace using trid recording proving their involvement, which they have used to fund the first three months of continuing operations for the plant, at a cost of a tier 2 parcel each. They've received the spray of the dual-natured fungus, as well as a few hundred credits, sufficient for a tier 1 cash parcel for the group.
The runners blackmailed Ace using trid recording proving their involvement, which they have used to fund the first month of continuing operations for the plant, at a cost of a tier 2 parcel each. They've received the spray of the dual-natured fungus, as well as a few hundred credits, sufficient for a tier 1 cash parcel for the group.
==Hired Help==
A group of shadowrunners from Atlanta hired the crew to scout out an abandoned Barrens factory being used by the yakuza to host a violent bunraku encounter for a Renraku executive. They helped to drive the executive out of the factory and into the Barrens streets, then fought his security to allow the shadowrunners to kidnap the executive.
The shadowrunners were each paid a tier 2 parcel.

Latest revision as of 11:36, 29 September 2024

Renraku Arcology Holiday Heist Payment Recovery

The group determined that JLee was looking to abscond with the money from the Renraku Arcology heist. She's fled to Boston while pretending to be operating out of Seattle thanks to a hardline Matrix redirect she purchased from the Code Coyotes decker gang in Boise, Auburn.

Mac, Maniac, Shiba, and Urni purchased limited-time credentials good through Sunday, January 27, 2058, while Florian travelled under his real name. They used the forged credentials to rent a Renraku Busman passenger van and a Volkswagen Superkombi panel van. They flew into Philadelphia to meet up with Gregory Armtwister, collected their equipment flown into New York by the Rocky Mountain Harriers, and are now hunting JLee in Boston.

The group achieved the best possible result in gathering Matrix usage data to track JLee down. Late the evening of the 23rd, Shiba was able to determine that JLee and her boyfriends are hiding out at Bastion House, a secure hotel in a C-Security Rating area of Chelsea, across the Mystic River from Boston:

  • Reinforced exterior doors and windows.
  • Secure garage beneath the building.
  • Airlocked entrance lobby.
  • 24/7 on-site security:
    • Cameras around the perimeter and in public areas, monitored on-site.
    • Watcher spirit patrolling public areas.
    • Armed guard in lobby.
    • Additional armed guards rotating between monitoring cameras and patrolling the interior.
  • Rapid-response contract with Knight Errant on redundant panic lines.

The group figured out what room they were staying in and confronted them. They collected all the remaining money for the job. They left JLee and her boyfriends enough money to travel as planned to Borinquen (formerly Puerto Rico), but only after getting her to do ~30k¥ in decking work to aid Urni with her efforts to take down the Tír Tairngire critter smuggling ring.

Florian, Mac, and Urni each earned a financial karma reward of 15k¥.

Game Mechanics

Three heists getting Shiba access to a computer system at a particular location. The decking is modeled by a board game determined by how well the PCs do: Poor, Good, or Exceptional. Points awarded according to how well the GM does: 1 for 1st place, 5 for 5th place. If the game produces a tie for any place after any tiebreakers are resolved, advantage goes to the GM if they are involved in the tie; otherwise, the relevant karma reward(s) are divided between the players.

Tracking JLee determined according to the accumulated points:

  • 13+: Total success: Shiba can figure out where JLee is within a few hours. Chance of making more money than otherwise would have on the Renraku heist.
  • 10+: Major success: Shiba needs a few days to track JLee down. Will likely result in a profit from this heist that recoups what should have been earned on the Renraku heist.
  • 7+: Minor success: JLee flees the country, but the PCs find enough to track her down.
  • < 7: Total failure: JLee escapes and can't be found.

1st non-GM player in each game earns 10k¥ during downtime. 2nd non-GM player in each game earns 5k¥ during downtime.


Easy Location: Computer Science Department

  •  Get Shiba a chunk of time in one of the faculty offices of the CS department that has a decked connection set up (about half the faculty have this).
  •  "Academics hate people telling them what to do, so security, while not nonexistent, is lighter than it should be. And they’re easily cowed, at least when they perceive they’re supposed to act deferentially, so there’s room for some social engineering."
  •  "Little of my time is going to be spent actually cracking the system. Most of it is going to be on data searches, which I’m going to need to hide among the usual traffic to avoid catching the eye of the system overwatch deckers."
    • "So, if we go during working hours, which is, like, 10-6 for these people, I’ll be more efficient. Give me half an hour and I’ll get us something we can work with (Poor result), but give me most of the day (call it 5 or 6 hours) I’ll be able to get a lot (Good result)."
    •  "If we go overnight obviously there’ll be less people around, but that’ll make it harder to hide. I’ll need most of the night (call it 8 hours) just to get anything useful (Poor result)."
  •  Fairchild Building
    •  Shares building with Scanning Electron Beam Lithography (SEBL) workshop and the Central Machine Shop.
    •  Windows don’t open.
    •  Public access during business day, keycard swipe required after hours.

Hard Location: Matrix Security Overwatch Station

  • Get Shiba 1 minute at the console where the university’s overwatch deckers operate (Excellent result).
    •  Senior and 1-3 junior decker on-staff at all times, one of them always plugged in if not both. 2-3 junior deckers and the most experienced senior decker during the day, 1 senior and 1 junior on two night shifts.
    •  Located in the campus secure data haven. Where the most important data is kept.
    •  JLee doesn’t have access to the secure data haven, but it contains the security data Shiba needs in a rapidly-retrievable form.
    •  Secure facility buried underground, guarded by high-grade technological and magical security.
  •  On-campus
    •  Not a public space, but they don’t check ids just to walk around campus.
    •  Modest campus security. No watcher spirits outside.
  •  In the administrative building.
    •  Front entrance in a front lobby.
    •  Door to front lobby open during business hours, requires card swipe after hours.
    •  Administrative staff behind desk during business hours.
    •  Watcher spirit that patrols the public areas of the first floor.
    •  Side doors with card swipes during the business day, locked and alarmed after hours.
  •  Off the main lobby.
    •  Full-time guard in the main lobby during business hours. Patrolling first floor after hours.
    •  Card-swipe door to get to access tunnel. Left side of lobby from the front lobby.
  •  Secure hallway to lower room.
    •  Descending slope—stairs and ramp, pipes and cables running beneath the floor—to put earth around it.
    •  Ultrasonic sensors covering the hallway.
    •  Secure door with ivy growing on the interior side of it at the bottom of the hallway.
  •  Lower guard room.
    •  Surrounded by earth. Only path an astrally-projecting mage or spirit could take is through the hallway, with ivy blocking the door when closed.
    •  Watcher spirit stationed in the lower guard room. Manifests and screams if anyone doing anything magical other than astrally perceiving.
    •  Two guards armed with pistols.
    •  Tracked security drone behind a concealed door, ready to be controlled by rigger.
    •  Biometric check (fingerprint) to get through secure door at the far side of the room, compared with record retrieved based on id presented to the guards.
  •  Hallway leads to server room and administration station, with decker jack-ins.
    •  Have to leave the secure area to use bathroom, eat, anything.

Novatech Regional Routing Hub

Novatech regional routing hub. Basic Matrix infrastructure. Good all around security.

Poor/Good/Exceptional performance based on which of three sub-locations. Iteratively higher levels of security. Ultra-fast search, so only a little time needed: 30 seconds.

Exceptional, core switching hub. Very busy work floor. Need to be able to open up panels and such.

  •  At same depth of security as Good, but way more visible. Much harder social problem.

Good, one of the maintenance decking stations nearby to the core switching hub.

  •  Inside serious magical security

Poor, office in mid-security section.

  •  This is outside the serious magical security.

A security area around it. AAA security inside. “Most of the metroplex falls into rating A security. This level of security generally covers any area with a Middle lifestyle, which accounts for the largest percentage of residential sections of Seattle. These areas receive excellent security, but the level of coverage decreases dramatically from the AA level, primarily because Lone Star lacks sufficient personnel. These areas usually have regular street patrols but only rare astral, drone or security- rigger presence.

Law enforcement in these areas is basically a call-and-response system. This means there are actually a lot of PanicButton booths and neighborhood watch groups and other organizations willing to call in at the slightest hint of criminal activity. This “community policing” tends to result in a higher number of false alarms, which in turn means response time is a bit slower.”

Enter through the lobby, which has keycard swipe pulling up a picture to be matched.

Office building standing 7 stories tall on half the lot. Modest security in the area. No cameras, no wandering guards, no patrolling watcher spirits. Keys and keycards. Quick response time to problems, though.

Routing facility taking up the other half of the lot. Two stories tall, lots of air conditioners on the roof.

  •  Biometric access.
  •  Physical adept / aspected mage on security detail using astral perception.
  •  Air spirit on guard duty patrolling the switching area and decking stations.
  •  Equipped with emergency-release of FAB to slow astral intruders if the spirit alerts.

Main routing hub, with the servers Shiba would need access to for Exceptional result, is in the open. Lots of cameras. Personnel moving through regularly. Major air spirit passing through regularly.

Decking stations are regularly passed-by, but less strange to see someone decking there. Air spirit passes by regularly.

Beacon Hill House

Beacon Hill townhouse belonging to Juan and Genevieve (Gene) Fong. JLee’s MIT&T’s classmate's parents’ place (Pamela).

Poor/Good/Exceptional performance based on mix of time and location. Two sub-locations. 1 hour vs 1 minute. Any time of day.

Beacon Hill neighborhood, which is across the Charles River from MIT&T. Very expensive neighborhood, AA security from Knight Errant. Beacon Hill precinct, which is part of Boston (unlike MIT&T, which is in Cambridge). Expensive townhouse (row house style).

AA security (not, say, the AAA of Louisburg Square). “The AA rating is usually reserved for High-lifestyle areas and businesses that want constant coverage but don’t want to pay for around-the-clock deterrent measures. Patrols cover the area 24 hours a day, but are less frequent. Astral patrols take place on an irregular schedule, and there may not be a security rigger system set up. Drones and sprits may guard certain areas in place of humans.

Response is prompt, but will take a back seat if something is going down in a AAA area. The standard officers respond first and only call in a specialist if needed. Assignment to this area is also viewed as a promotion, so officers investigate complaints thoroughly, if not as quickly as in a AAA area.”

Astrally-projecting mages do periodic patrols. They move at 20-30 mph, not their full speed, to have a chance to spot what’s happening.

Hard location is the old roommate’s old bedroom, which they still keep for her. Has an antique decking setup that she can piggyback off of. Fourth floor of the house.

Easy location is the basement hookup to the local fiber-optic network. Laundry, storage, but people aren’t down there all that often.

Mob War


The assassination of James "The Hammer" O'Malley created a power vacuum between the criminal syndicates of Seattle. In addition to internal conflicts within the Mafia, the Triads, Yakuza, and Seoulpa Rings all took the opportunity to try to claim as much territory as they could.


Maniac paid off his 260,000¥ gambling debt owed to Yakuza lieutenant "Hungry" Hino by getting his fellow shadowrunners to do a series of jobs disrupting criminal enterprises controlled by syndicates competing with the Shigeda-gumi clan for control of the Redmond barrens.

The shadowrunners assassinated Aldo “Al the Squid” Burke of the Bigio family for the Yakuza by framing him for an attack on the Lucky Lounge casino then delivering him to Caesar "Chrome" Ciarniello for an extended dispatching, earning themselves a second commission.

The shadowrunners stole 70k¥ from the Bella Notte restaurant in West Touristville, which is used as a drop and distribution point for dirty money from the Redmond Barrens. Urni stole/rescued the guard dog, a female Hell Hound named Lunatic, to add to her pack of critters.

Target Description
1 The Lucky Lounge The first floor is a bar and lounge. The second and third floors are a “private members’ club” offering a variety of table games. While the Mafia’s main gambling operations are the legal casinos in Everett, the Lucky Lounge caters to people who want easier access to Redmond’s other illicit offerings.
2 Hollywood Simsense Entertainments This factory in Redmond churns out cheap simsense gear and even cheaper sim-chips. The place has its own studios, which produce mostly soft porn and horror-schlock, using "actors" with all the emotional impact of wet carp. The company is in the pocket of the Seattle Mafia and cranks out low-grade BTL chips for sale to chippies all over the metroplex. In its back rooms, Hollywood films hardcore sim-porn and even worse drek, like snuff-films using "actors" recruited from the streets of the Barrens. A lot of wannabe actors and actresses end up working in one of HSE's productions after becoming addicted to BTLs, so they'll do whatever the director says for another hit.
3 Piazza Pixel A 24-hour Matrix cafe. Mostly terminals, but with some basic simsense rigs in the back. The Mafia runs identity theft, phishing, and carding schemes out of an office on the second floor.
4 Jade Pavilion Racing Off-track betting. They mix spoofed credstick transactions in with the real ones to spread counterfeit money good enough to pass the sort of offline credit checker common in the barrens.
5 The Basin Triad soldiers prove their skills by hunting unfortunates tagged with explosive collars in the Rat’s Nest, with bets taken on every aspect of the competition.
Seoulpa Rings
6 Pine Lake Trailer Park A number of chem-manufacturing labs are mixed in with the mobile homes in this trailer park by the lake.
7 Nexus Medical Native American abductees are delivered from over the border by a NAN gang for organlegging at this body shop.
X Aldo “Al the Squid” Burke A sotocapo of the Bigio family. Runs a series of joytoy joints in Mafia territory in Redmond. Kill him in a way that makes it look like part of the intra-mob war. The marked location is for is home in Bellevue.
$ Bella Notte An Italian restaurant in west Touristville, outside the wall. Used for laundering money from Redmond, the restaurant does terrific business despite the modest number of customers.

Renraku Arcology Holiday Heist

  Renraku Arcology, Holiday Heist Map  

The runners were recruited by the decker JLee of the Brain Eaters onto a heist of the Renraku Arcology held while a group of human-supremacist gangers called the Party Ghouls took hostage for ransom the upper-class attendees of a holiday party being held in the Renraku UltraMall. Despite unexpected complications, including multiple spirit encounters, the runners completed the job so cleanly that they were able to steal some additional artwork, adding to the already-lucrative score.

Holiday Heist Accounting

Zone Target Score Expected Value
1 Renraku Community Hospital 6d4 k¥ 15 k¥
2 Life Oasis Hydroponic Garden 1d20 + 1d8 + 1d6 k¥ 18.5 k¥
3 SynthTech Cyberware Manufactory 30 k¥
4 AoiYume TriD Studios 2d20 + 3d8 k¥ 34.5 k¥
5 Celestial Flow Aquaculture 39 k¥
6 Lift Monitoring 33 k¥
7 Kōhaku Alchemy Institute 45 k¥
8 Arcology Sentry Assembly 5d10 + 6d6 - 2 k¥ 46.5 k¥
9 Renraku University of Seattle 60 k¥
10 Skyview Condo of Kiyohiko Matsuyama,
Managing Director of Renraku America
5d12 + 4d10 + 4d8
+ 4d6 + 3d4 k¥
94 k¥
10* Kiyohiko Matsuyama Artwork 3d4 x 10 k¥ 75k¥
Total Acquired 205 + 9d4 + 11d6 + 8d8
+ 9d10 + 5d12 + 3d20 k¥
+ 3d4 x 10 k¥
490.5 k¥
Acquired Range 280 - 701 k¥
Total Expected Payout 486 k¥

Incidental Costs and Windfalls
Item Amount
Bribe -300¥
Credstick +500¥
Decking Software -1100¥
Drugs -300¥
Maniac Replacement Knee Joints -5000¥
Urni Physical Therapy -4000¥
Maniac Electronics Cyber-Tools Wear and Tear -600¥
Mac Electronics Toolkit Wear and Tear -600¥
Maniac Mechanical Cyber-Tools Wear and Tear -200¥
Mac Wand Realignment -900¥
Premium Vodka -400¥
Drugs -500¥
Micro-Saw -300¥
Custom Security Board -4000¥
Total -17,800¥

Awakened Animal Community

Urni was rescued by a group of awakened animals living in the Plastic Jungle.

The runners struck back at the elven poachers responsible. They rescued a group of animals the poachers were trying to take to Tír Tairngire and warned the Tir Dutchess responsible not to operate in Seattle anymore. During the conflict with the elf operatives, the runners killed one (a rigger), injured one (an adept) while convincing her to stop working for the poachers, and let one (a hermetic mage) escape along with his familiar.

California Free State

The runners helped the Redbird Gypsies steal storage equipment for the live talismongering materials that can be harvested in the Northern Crescent, framing the Redeye ork go-gang. The equipment was being transported by the Ravens, an elf go-gang, to the Harvest Home elf settlement. The shipment also contained an Ares Macrotechnology surface-to-air missile equipped with a modified warhead based on Nine's Dragonkiller design. The Redbirds were attacked by an unidentified stealth strike team and the missile was recovered. Maniac reported on all this to the Shamans of Shasta.

Maniac provided the wrongly-acquired totemic wolf mask to a Shasta wolf shaman for proper disposal.

The group instigated a security lockdown at a Solar Cybernetics facility allowing Shiba to siphon proprietary research information from an emergency mainframe data-dump performed in response, accessed using security protocols recovered during a job at a Solar Cybernetics facility in Denver.

The runners stole computer model information for a collection of film characters.


The group recovered one of Dunkelzahn's dragon stones, first stolen by Kazuya "The Dragon" Hotomi, formerly a member of the Yakuza in Denver, and ultimately used in opening a doorway to an astral space housing draconic souls. They delivered the stone to the Draco Foundation.

The group used stolen network security information to aid a run on Solar Cybernetics in Denver. Shiba pitched the job: a job to steal corporate data: the team will cause chaos with covert contractors for Solar Cybernetics in the California Free State, prompting an emergency data-dump protocol, which Shiba will siphon off for black-market resale.

Bug City

Dunkelzahn's Six
Target Status
James Delany (Illusionist) Deceased
Dr. Edward Oden (Professor) Rescued
Gregory Armtwister (Bouncer) Rescued
Protacio Corcoran (Handyman) Rescued
Katherine Sitsu (PhD Student) Rescued
Sissel McCarthy (Journalist) Rescued

The group sold information taken from Genevieve Wong to various buyers:

  • pharma research to an undisclosed buyer for 50k¥
  • horror summoning research to the Draco Foundation for 150k¥
  • horror-based time-manipulation research to an unknown buyer for 50k¥
  • personal journals to her widow for 5k¥

Based on Dunkelzahn's will, the group rescued Dr. Edward Oden, Gregory Armtwister, Protacio Corcoran, Katherine Sitsu, and Sissel McCarthy from the CCZ while killing James Delany. They were paid 500k¥ by the Draco Foundation in Denver.

The group used a captured LAV-103 Striker Light Tank, three Knight Errant border patrol uniforms, three Lone Star air recon uniforms, a border patrol flamethrower, and a reprogrammable transponder with pre-loaded Knight Errant security codes to escape the Zone.

A decker Sarina "Shiba" Kōmura was recruited onto the team from a variety of options.

A pod person named Frankie Quick was sold to Saeder-Krupp's University of Chicago.

Urni has begun her mastery of the miniaturization wand she took from a horror. This has, presumably, ended her interest in funding research into a miniaturization ray.

The runners assassinated a summoner named Genevieve Wong to satisfy a vendetta by Gregory Armtwister to convince him to leave with them.

Nine discovered a group of sewer children taught to survive by members of the Green 4800.

Maniac used the oddly-carved brick to draw the insect spirits away from their captured pod person.

The horror corpse, and horror arm that Maniac stored in the APC minifridge, reverted to a human appearance. They asked some people waiting near the market to deliver the arm to the university if contact with them reopens.

Kara Sullivan, senior administrator with the Draco Foundation, paid the runner to plant three repeaters for the Matrix in the Containment Zone. They were paid 50k¥ per repeater set up. They worked with a combined group of matrix techs, the Chrome Traders and Chicago Free Matrix. The runners directly assisted in setting up the final repeater, the internal matrix of the containment zone has now been connected to the outside world.

The group was paid a base rate of 80k¥ for Fast Flesh IP plus a 30k¥ bonus for some interesting goo they saw.

The runners paid Janus Koskey 5% of their proceeds from activities in the Containment Zone for his Chicago-area contact and another 2% to Kambei for providing transport through the Native American Nations.

Renraku Arcology


JLee of the Brain Eater collects on a debt from when she helped the runners get some software for a job. She wants a backdoor planted in a state-of-the-art computer control system being installed in the upper floors of the Renraku Arcology. They can provide a pair of cover identities (registered SIN, etc.) with an electrical contractor (Etta Electronics) doing work on floor two below that of the computer control room.


The runners successfully installed the software, as well as sabotaging a view server racks, creating an alternative explanation for any short-term problems JLee's worm causes as it replicates across the distributed system. The runners are collectively paid 40,000¥ for their efforts.


The Renraku Arcology is being built according to a pan-Japanese mysticism, incorporating both Buddhist and Shinto beliefs. Five kamido (god vault) are being built inside of various internal business units. They are corporate equivalents of the kamidana (god shelf), the home shrine. Each is being built to house kami relevant to the business. The establishment of all five will be self-reinforcing, each one strengthening the other. Destroying the kamido would be pointless, they would be rebuilt. Instead they must be manipulated so that the wrong sort of kami will take up residence.

The five kamido are being built according to the five Buddhist elements: earth, water, fire, wind, and void. However, neither the Yamatetsu Johnson or contact know exactly how these kamido will be instantiated. They need the runners to get in, find them, and disrupt them.


The earth kamido is built into the central structural core of the building. Sheets of washi (Japanese paper) inscribed with Japanese characters are hung from four key structural shafts, accessible through maintenance areas. The stability characters of the ofuda were changed to instability, with the steel supporting shafts weakened with a chemical concoction.

The water kamido is a health clinic. Beneath the lobby floor is plumbing to support a waterfall that’s going to be installed. There’s a freezer vault already installed on the opposite side of the wall that will store blood use to regularly rejuvenate the chief executives and make them more youthful. It had an ofuda inside promoting adaptability that was changed to promote weakness and infirmity. The temperature regulation of the freezer was sabotaged.

The fire kamido is an executive bunraku parlor. A feminine chrome and platinum humanoid robot is crated and ready for assembly, to dance in the lobby. Inside its torso was an ofuda promoting drive and passion, which was subverted to instead embody guilt. A fire sculpture installed in the VIP room was subtly sabotaged to be less impressive.

The air kamido is a simsense parlor with inhaled intoxicants. The intoxicants were spiked with a hallucinogen causing dark visions, with the ofuda hidden in the unit similarly changed from promoting open-mindedness to promoting paranoia.

The void kamido is the computer control room. The ofuda was found in the server rack for the VR system, which was changed from promoting creativity to promoting rigidity.

The runners were paid 100,000¥ as a group.

Briar Tower


Janus Koskey pitches the shadowrunners on another job.

“Now, places that are obvious looting targets, they’re getting increased security, whether it’s rent-a-cops or gangers more interested in building rep and holding territory than joining in the fun and games themselves. Jewelry stores, electronic stores,.. that motorcycle place on 9th has the Brain Eaters setting up turrets.”

“So what we do is hit someplace that isn’t worried about rioters, and where we benefit from the increased Lone Star response time.”

The display screen shows a daylight picture of a fifteen-story office building, the sun shining off polished glass behind a manicured lawn.

“Briar Tower. State of the art security, both physical and magical. No way to break in without setting off half a dozen alarms. But once the rioting spreads into Bellevue, which it will, you hit the tower like you’re just part of the crowd. The alarms go off, the watcher spirit runs screaming. But instead of Lone Star being there within a minute or two, it’s five, even ten. And during that time you’re trashing the ground floor, but you’re also tricking out the security system, so that before they arrive you can slip into the upper floors without leaving a trace. And then the building is yours.”

“You’ll still have to deal with the individual security for each of the tenants, but you’ll have time to do it in.”

“A lot of them won’t be interesting. Two law firms, some accountants, a media relations agency,” logos, websites, pictures go by on screen, “the business offices of a tool and die company,..”

“We ignore most of it. But there’s at least three worth a visit.”

“Third floor. HyperVid Gaming. Did that big Bug City trid last year. Take whatever you can get of their new game”

“Blingee Custom Metalwork. Jewelry for the newly rich. Tens of thousands of Nuyen in display pieces, and should be a couple hundred thousand in materials in the back.”

“Gallery S. Private art gallery. I was able to pull invoices for high-value shipments from around the world.”

“Should be easy.”


The runners took various goods that they fenced for a payoff of 40,000¥ per runner: precious metals from Blingee, artifacts and vampire blood from Gallery S, and game data from HyperVid Gaming.

The runners gained evidence of activity by insect spirits in the assassination of General Yeats near Bug City.

University of Washington Research Project


Janus Koskey contacted the team, reporting that he’s found an urgent job bid from a temporary research post set up in the middle of the Mowich lava flow. They claim to need urgent extraction for one passenger and some valuable cargo and are looking for someone willing to take the job. Due to the chaos in the Sprawl, they haven’t had any takers yet, so if the PCs can get out there ASAP, they could take for themselves whatever that valuable cargo is.


The runners fought their way through an escaped lava elemental and a mine-controlling horror to free an enslaved research team and close a rift to a hell dimension. They sold the research data for a tier 2 reward each, as well as scavenging a trike, some drones, and some cyberware.

  • The utility drones on the surface (IWS DLK MK 6 Utility Machine, Mesametric Kodiak Construction System). Hard to transport. Worth a Tier 1 and Tier 2 Cash Parcel respectively.
  • The blimp in the air (Aerodesign Systems Condor LDSD-41 II). Worth a Tier 1 Cash Parcel.
  • A Jeep Rover (all-terrain trikes with balloon tires). Worth a Tier 1 Cash Parcel.
  • The rigger’s right cyberarm, with a conspicuously unnatural segmented brick-red surface (implanted electrical tools, implanted mechanical tools, fine senses, claws, magnetic grapple). Yamatetsu Workman. Top of the line. Worth a Tier 1 Cash Parcel. Tier 1 Cash Parcel to install.
  • The rigger’s cybereyes, the iris’s a blue field of stars in a circle, surrounded by a laurel wreath (enhanced optical processing, low-light sensors, thermographic vision, microscopic vision, telescopic vision). Ares Opticons w/ custom irises. Again, top of the line. Worth a Tier 2 Cash Parcel. Tier 1 Cash Parcel to install. Easy to swap out the cosmetic irises for regular ones if they want.
  • The rigger’s Ares Predator with Smartlink and a laser targeting system. Counts as a Tier 1 upgrade for anyone using guns.
  • The rigger’s rigging equipment is high-end. It gives advantage to Overwatch checks. Checks where you’re keeping an eye on an area to watch for trouble.
  • Spy’s right cyberhand (natural covering, implanted lockpicks (middle and ring), fingernail compartment (pinky), fingerprint remapper (right index), palm injector (lethal snake venom); Ares Dextra with custom parts, worth a Tier 2 Cash Parcel. Shaky Sheila can get a color-matched natural covering and install for a Tier 1 Cash Parcel if one of the PCs want it.
  • Spy’s hidden skilljack running an Iris Firmware knowsoft titled “Documentation Procedures for Combined Magical/Technological Experiments.” Worth a Tier 1 Cash Parcel.

The Duke’s Apartment


Janus Koskey, proprietor of Crusher 495, has learned that a Tir Tairngire Duke has a luxurious penthouse apartment in Touristville that he uses when he visits the Barrens for some of its illicit pleasures. The apartment is decorated with elven works of art, the closet filled with fine clothing, and the bar stocked with expensive fey liqueurs. Koskey has a contact with building security that can get them access to the building, though they’ll still have to figure out how to deal with the additional security that the apartment itself is likely to have.

Stealing the valuables can be expected to bring in hundreds of thousands of nuyen, which after Koskey’s cut, results in a tier 2 reward for each PC.


The crew blew up the transformers providing power to the area of the apartment building late at night to knock out the power. With the electronic security disabled, Maniac recruited a bear spirit to wrangle the building's watcher spirit. This gave the crew plenty of time to work inside the building, though Lone Star surveillance of some nearby looting prompted by the blackout encouraged a speedy loading of the cargo. The team successfully robbed the apartment by running packages down a zipline to a van parked outside, as well as defacing the walls with human-supremacy graffiti. In escaping, they needed to evade a barrens gang car excited by the blackout and looting.

The team received a tier 2 reward each for the haul provided to Koskey, and an additional tier 1 reward each for cash they found on the premises. They also found some paperwork in Sperethiel relating to property investments in Touristville by the Duke Ra Phanuel, which they are planning to have translated.

The Big D


One of Urni’s street contacts overheard an off-duty Lone Star officer speaking at a cop bar in Bellevue, hinting, after a few too many drinks, that some sort of metahuman riot would be prompted in Redmond during Dunkelzahn’s campaign stop in the Sprawl. The dragon will be forced to choose whether to support the rioting metahumans, either depressing his metahuman base or hurting his ability to widen his appeal. There’s no sign of a paycheck anywhere in this, but if someone doesn’t do something it could be a real blow to the great dragon’s campaign on the eve of the second debate.


The runners discovered an aborted conspiracy within Lone Star to provoke a riot in the Redmond Barrens in an attempt to discredit Dunkelzahn. A young patrolman, Hampton Lee, was prevented from carrying out his unknown plan by Irene “The Bull” Turnbull, a lieutenant overseeing Redmond in the Crime Suppression Division of the Seattle Lone Star operation, with the implication that Turnbull had some involvement in the plan.

Eliminating the Competition


The Red Hot Nukes want to make it clear that they're the only law on the Barrens highways and so reached out to Maniac with a job offer. Lone Star has been running test convoys of goods out of factories in the Barrens, which risks cutting into the Nukes own protection business. They want to avoid directly confronting Lone Star, so they need an independent group to keep hijacking shipments until the businesses get the point. One rule, none of the hijackings can make the roads any more impassable, as the Nukes want to keep running cargo once the Star is gone. The Nukes will provide information regarding the convoys, including timing and load information.

The Red Hot Nukes wouldn't normally need outside help to take a convoy, and so are charging half the value of any convoy taken for providing the convoy information. This leaves each runner a tier 1 cash parcel for each load taken, after the Nukes' cut, until Lone Star is scared off. In addition, a good reputation with the Nukes will make it easier to find ground vehicles and get assistance on the Barrens roadways.


The Nukes rode out themselves to confront Lone Star, hiding their gang signs and including some non-dwarf hires, including Maniac, to try to disguise who they were. They successfully took down the convoy, but it's unclear if Lone Star was fooled.

Taking the Corners Back


The Brain Eaters are looking to muscle up and approached Mac with an offer to put him and his comrades to work. While they've been able to use their automated security to hold their territory in Touristville, the Rusted Stilettos have pushed them out of the area near Glow City, where the Brain Eaters had been running a profitable trading operation with the local mutants: salvaged tech from the nuclear reactor, infused with the toxic spirit of Glow City, in return for BTLs, chems, and weapons. The Eaters are confident that, as the Stilettos don't have as much use for the resonant tech, a few good hits on their crews, followed by some overwatch to help with any retaliations, should get the gang back their territory.

The Brain Eaters will pay each runner a few thousand nuyen (a tier 1 reward) once their territory near Glow City is secured. In addition, a good reputation with the Eaters will make it easier to find computer gear, make it easier to find decking support, and leads to higher-profit jobs driven by the info they can pull down from the Matrix.


The runners helped the Brain Eaters take a prime trading spot in a small city park near Glow City from the Rusted Stilettos by blowing up the local crew chief and his bodyguards, stealthily assassinating the soldiers, sicking a Talis Cat on one group of corner boys, and sicking Maniac on the other. The Brain Eaters now have the park defended with automated turrets.

Into the Plastic Jungles


Mama Palazzo needs some well-armed people to escort her daughter on a search and rescue mission for one of Mama's sons, who hasn't come back from a trip to gather a dual-natured fungus from along the banks of the Snoqualmie river. The area has become increasingly depopulated of metahumans over the last few years, due to a growing number of disappearances and the exodus of those scared away. However, because of the value of the flower to the trade Mama carries on with the outside world, her son had been making monthly trips to gather the fungus, without serious incident until now. Mama has insisted that her daughter have an armed escort if she's going to go after her brother.

A good reputation with Mama is worth free low-quality medical service for the purposes of overcoming injuries and access to any information she might be able to gather in the vicinity of the jungles. In addition, if the runners can retrieve the fungus, Mama will allow the runners to have the fungus rather than trade it. The fungus is worth a tier 1 cash parcel for each runner if traded for money instead of food and other basic supplies. Alternatively, Mama can make a spray from the fungus for the runners. The spray, if applied to someone, deposits dual-natured spores in their lungs. This would make the target trivial to track in astral space (as they would appear as a disembodied pair of lungs). In addition, the spores die if the target passes through an astral barrier, releasing a toxin that causes lethal bleeding in the lungs. An infestation of the spores cause a cough after a few days that would likely prompt medical attention.


Mama's son Rich was taken captive by a group of wendigo engineers and their cannibal horde, aided by a small biomedical firm, Ace Biologics. The wendigo were running the water plant for the dome complex, with Ace supplying the group and using the aerosolization of the vapor distributors to test behavior modification drugs on the inhabitants of the Jungle. The runners killed the wendigos and their horde, and with the cooperation of Green 4800 – after convincing them not to destroy the jungle infrastructure – eliminated the next delivery run by Ace, giving the runners time to set up their own operation in the water plant.

The runners blackmailed Ace using trid recording proving their involvement, which they have used to fund the first month of continuing operations for the plant, at a cost of a tier 2 parcel each. They've received the spray of the dual-natured fungus, as well as a few hundred credits, sufficient for a tier 1 cash parcel for the group.

Hired Help

A group of shadowrunners from Atlanta hired the crew to scout out an abandoned Barrens factory being used by the yakuza to host a violent bunraku encounter for a Renraku executive. They helped to drive the executive out of the factory and into the Barrens streets, then fought his security to allow the shadowrunners to kidnap the executive.

The shadowrunners were each paid a tier 2 parcel.