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The Witch Elf

Fan Factor 3
Assistant Coaches 4
Wandering Apothecary
Apothecary Recruited
Team Rerolls 2
Stadium The Dark Design
Magic Dome
Team Value 1490

The witch elf Maelyrra has been conducting a generations-long research project on chaos mutations in the badlands. While she normally demands that outsiders not interfere with her work—enforced with a magical shield the size of a small city—she has an open offer for blood bowl teams to test her creations against, with some of her own mutated players as the potential prize for beating her.

Name Position Base Team Learned Skills Default Skills MA ST AG AV Injuries Cost
Maelyrra Witch Elf Dark Elf +ST, +AG, +MA, Block, Leap Frenzy, Dodge, Jump Up 8 4 5 7 270
Riverbref Warpstone Troll Underworld Claw Loner, Always Hungry, Mighty Blow, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Throw Team-Mate 4 5 1 8 -AV 130
Tray Tenderman Warrior Chaos Tentacles 5 4 3 9 120
Warductor Metashok Blitzer Underworld Foul Appearance Animosity, Block 7 3 3 8 110
Pestilic Vermolk Linerat Underworld Prehensile Tail Animosity 7 3 3 7 70
Rufus Sewant Beastman Chaos Very Long Legs, Leap Horns 6 3 3 8 110
Skittiad Slife Gutter Runner Skaven Horns Dodge 9 2 4 7 110
Amulocke Corpin Thrower Underworld Extra Arms Animosity, Pass, Sure Hands 7 3 3 7 Niggle 90
Gnakgrub Bowman Goblin Underworld Big Hand Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty 6 2 3 7 60
Ugdug Fargo Goblin Underworld Tentacles Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty 6 2 3 7 60
Crooknose Shroomfinda Goblin Underworld Disturbing Presence Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty 5 2 3 7 -MA 60
Nitch and Natch Bogkit Goblin Underworld Two Heads Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty 6 2 3 7 60