Current Matchup

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Fan Factor 0
Assistant Coaches 7
Bloodweiser Babes
Apothecary N/A
Team Rerolls 3
Stadium Saltport
Magician's Shop
Team Value 1530

The Necromantic Tower

The barons of a collection of badlands plantations are considering augmenting their warbands with undead hired from a nearby necromancer's tower, but want their skill proven before coming to terms. In return for playing a satisfactory game of blood bowl against a team created by the necromancer, the barons will agree to a favorable contract for supplying Mercato with beer, which will provide the Mercato team a duo of beer mavens and the option to install a beer stand in their home stadium. The barons will only consider the game a sufficiently impressive test if at least one of the teams scores a touchdown and if at least one player on either team suffers a casualty (even if it regenerates).

Further, at the barons' insistence that the challenging team have an incentive to compete, the necromancer has agreed—in haste to demonstrate his willingness to prove the quality of his merchandise—that he will serve as an available wizard for Mercato home games if his team is defeated.

Home Team Roster

Position Base Team Learned Skills Default Skills MA ST AG AV Injuries Cost
Flesh Golem Necromantic Block Regeneration, Stand Firm, Thick Skull 4 4 2 9 130
Flesh Golem Necromantic Guard Regeneration, Stand Firm, Thick Skull 4 4 2 9 130
Wight Necromantic Mighty Blow Block, Regeneration 6 3 3 8 110
Wight Necromantic Tackle Block, Regeneration 6 3 3 8 110
Wight Undead Dauntless Block, Regeneration 6 3 3 8 110
Wight Undead Guard Block, Regeneration 6 3 3 8 110
Ghoul Necromantic Wrestle Dodge 7 3 3 7 90
Ghoul Necromantic Sure Hands Dodge 7 3 3 7 90
Skeleton Undead Dirty Player Regeneration, Thick Skull 5 3 2 7 60
Skeleton Undead Kick Regeneration, Thick Skull 5 3 2 7 60
Zombie Necromantic Block Regeneration 4 3 2 8 60
Zombie Necromantic Wrestle Regeneration 4 3 2 8 60
Zombie Necromantic Regeneration 4 3 2 8 40
Zombie Necromantic Regeneration 4 3 2 8 40
Zombie Necromantic Regeneration 4 3 2 8 40
Zombie Necromantic Regeneration 4 3 2 8 40

Win Result

Fans love a winner: +1 fan factor.

A rostered non-PC piece that didn’t otherwise level can gain a normal skill.

A rostered non-PC piece that didn’t otherwise level can gain block if it’s a normal skill.

A talented young local joins the team:

  • Recruit Dutesh Spintoe, Hobgoblin, Kick 6 3 3 7 G 60k

The necromancer lives up to his bargain.

  • The magician’s shop stadium enhancement is available in Mercato.
  • The wizard inducement is available to Mercato in Badlands-area games.
  • In one home game, Mercato can select the magician’s shop stadium enhancement and prevent their opponent from using the wizard.

Tie Result

A rostered non-PC piece that didn’t otherwise level can gain block if it’s a normal skill.

A talented young local joins the team:

  • Recruit Dutesh Spintoe, Hobgoblin, Kick 6 3 3 7 G 60k

Loss Result

The fans think you should have won this one: -1 fan factor.

A rostered rookie piece that didn’t otherwise level can gain block if it’s a normal skill.

Valodd Wortsnag quits the team to spend time in Saltport.

Side Goals (1/3)

At least one touchdown is scored and at least one piece suffers a casualty, even if regenerated.

  • Mercato can recruit beer mavens, allowing for the inducement of bloodweiser babes.
  • The beer stand stadium enhancement is available in Mercato.

Mercato wins while denying the opposing team a touchdown and inflicting a non-regenerated casualty on them.

  • The barons decline the contract.
  • +1 fan factor
  • A talented young local joins the team:
    • Morling Thrle, Gutter Runner, +MA, Sprint, -ST (Dodge) 10 1 4 7 GA 120k
    • After two one-turn touchdowns, the strength bust is removed.

A Mercato piece dies and becomes a zombie.

  • -1 fan factor
  • A Mercato piece of similar quality leaves the team in fear.

Ongoing Goals

Furgit inflicts a permanent injury.

  • The Goblin Forestry Association sponsors a referee rest area for the home stadium.
  • Friendly works with the team as an underworld operative (the team can induce bribes).

Either of Bubonost the Infested’s foul appearance and disturbing presence have a mechanical effect.

  • Bubonost is healed of all injuries.
  • Bubonost's ritual grants him tentacles once both mutations have been effective.

A player on either team actually dies.

  • Yasha is healed of all injuries.
  • After three deaths, Yasha gains a prehensile tail. (0/3)

Skrax's diving tackle causes a piece to actually fail a dodge.

  • After four tackles, Skrax shares his training with the rest of his clan. (1/4)

MVP: a non-PC piece does something extraordinary that improves the outcome of the match.

  • The piece gains an appropriate skill.