Current Matchup

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Mercato adds 1d6 assistant coaches, rolled immediately before match start, to pay for the bet against the Lustrian Rangers.

Mercato adds 1 cheerleader from Smash's tiredness and irritability.

Away Team Roster

Win Result

Tie Result

Loss Result

Side Goals

Ongoing Goals

Furgit inflicts a permanent injury or death, whether or not recovered by an apothecary.

  • Friendly has a friendly chat with the Badlands Blood Bowl Referee Benevolence Association.
  • Mercato has a free bribe next match.

Either of Bubonost the Infested’s foul appearance and disturbing presence have a mechanical effect. With disturbing presence, this means either changing the result of one check or being potentially relevant to three checks. (1/3)

  • Bubonost is healed of all injuries.
  • Bubonost's ritual grants him tentacles and wrestle once both mutations have been effective.

A player on either team actually dies.

  • Yasha is healed of all injuries.
  • After two deaths, Yasha gains a prehensile tail. (1/2)

Skrax's diving tackle causes a piece to actually fail a dodge.

  • After three tackles, Skrax shares his training with the rest of his clan. (1/3)

MVP: a non-PC piece does something extraordinary that improves the outcome of the match.

  • The piece gains an appropriate skill.