Stunts (Fate)
Metatypes may only be purchased at character creation.
Non-human metatypes may face prejudice in the sixth world, which metahuman characters may use to their benefit or face difficulties from. Including the character's metatype in an aspect may be used to encourage the use of this in roleplay: a character that, for example, identifies with the popular image of the troll heavy, or alternatively one that specifically rejects that, might lean into that image when attempting to intimidate.
Dwarves possess an additional physical consequence, thermographic vision, and are immune to mundane diseases and poisons.
Elves possess an additional mental stress box and low-light vision.
Orks possess an additional physical stress box and low-light vision.
Costs 2 Refresh to purchase.
Trolls possess an additional physical stress box, an additional physical consequence, thermographic vision, and gain +1 to all Fighting checks.