Kavzar Games

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Magic Maze Prizes

Each player character may pick one prize from three listed with their name.

Karnhage Fleethoof
Three‑Ringed Necklace This golden necklace has three interlocking rings hanging from a fine chain. Each ring may be consumed to produce a different one-time magical effect.
Protection from Chaos For the duration of one scene, you can make a 3+ check to ignore any direct mortal magical effect (not including elvish, draconic, or true divine magic). Note that this does not include indirect effects, like a sword wielded by a reanimated skeleton, or a random lightning bolt from a ritually-summoned storm.
Hypnotism For the duration of one scene, you can hold sway over a small group of people (a half dozen or so). You hold their attention against all but the most startling or dire distractions, and your suggestions and requests seem more reasonable, though not to the extent of serious cost to themselves or those close to them.
Expeditious Retreat For the duration of one scene (up to one hour for overland travel), you can run twice as fast and can jump twice as far.
Shield of Arrow Catching An iron buckler etched with a depiction of a skaven fist clutching an arrow. Sized for the typical skaven soldier, it can can be worn by a centaur as part of a bracer or pauldron. You can make a 3+ check to catch any thrown projectile within your reach (2+ if readied).
Glove of Shielding A fingerless glove of dark brown leather, a copper coin embossed with an image of Rathorn bound by cords to the back. You can make a 4+ check to deflect any single-target direct-damage mortal magical attack directed at you (3+ if readied).

Genghis Pecan
Ring of Force Shield An iron ring with a thick-cut green stone mounted at the center. The wearer may brace themselves, summoning a translucent green body-size shield in front of them. While not impenetrable, a skilled wielder can hold off a significant assault.
Immovable Rods (Set of Two) Each rod is a flat iron bar with a small button on one end. When the button is pushed, the rod does not move from where it is, even if staying in place defies gravity. Thus, the owner can lift or place the rod wherever he wishes, push the button, and let go. These can be used as braces, supports, or (as a pair) a makeshift ladder. Each rod can support up to 8,000 lb. and resists all but the strongest exertions of force. Each rod can be reverted to its movable state with another press of the button.
Tribe of Wondrous Goats A set of four goat figurines in a blue silk pouch. Each may be used to summon an obedient and untiring riding mount, though they lack the intelligence to perform independent tasks. Minor injuries may be reversed by re-summoning, though grievous or deadly injury causes the goat to vanish and be unavailable for summoning for a period of one week.
The Goat of Traveling This long-legged brown goat is particularly suited to extended travel, making good time over long distances.
The Goat of Traversal This stocky, grey goat can surmount difficult obstacles.
The Goat of Travail This muscular white goat is built for combat, with wicked horns for goring opponents.
The Goat of Terror This fiendish black goat can be induced to produce an aura of fear, terrifying enemies.

Smash Mogwuht
Staff of Life Made of thick oak shod in gold. Rather than the typical preparation required for infusing an ogreish practice into a snotling, the staff may be used to impart or withdraw any known practice on contact.
Special: This item is bonded to the one who finds it by Rathorn and control of it may not be transferred to another.
Tome of Clear Thought A thick book bound in rich brown leather. Upon being picked up, it presents its holder with parallel visions of the possible knowledge it could contain, curated based upon their intellectual desires, then inscribes the chosen selection into book. The book crumbles to dust upon opening, transferring its contents directly to it user’s mind.

May be used by Smash to immediately gain a third-level ogreish primancy practice of any school. He does not automatically gain that school’s practice of unveiling nor gain the opportunity for further advancement in that school without access to an appropriate reference book (e.g., the books of life and time).

Amulet of Draconic Armor A single golden dragon scale bound by a simple leather cord, such as might be fastened around the neck or arm. When worn, this amulet causes scales to temporarily appear at the point of impact of any physical attack on its master, rendering its wearer immune to all damage from physical violence.
Special: This item is bonded to the one who finds it by Rathorn and control of it may not be transferred to another.

Grabit Beardpuller
Ioun Stone of Greater Absorption Ulsinlis uses Ioun Stones such as this one to enhance his own perceptions. This marbled lavender and green ellipsoid can be set in an orbit around it’s master’s head, where it allows its wearer to absorb energies from all mortal magic, including: orc rituals, ogreish primancy, dwarfish arcane forging, human thaumaturgy, skaven sorcery, khemri necromancy, t’skrang psionics, goblin tinkering, halfling gastrology, troll good-thinking, and centaur kinetics. The wearer can attempt to understand the absorbed energy, with level of success determined by skill checks. As a side effect, while the stone is in operation, the user is shielded from all direct magical effects that Ulsinlis himself would be (i.e., not including elvish magic, draconic manifestation, or true divine intercession). Note that this does not include indirect effects, like a sword wielded by a reanimated skeleton, or a random lightning bolt from a ritually-summoned storm.
Special: This item will be bonded to its master by Ulsinlis and control of it may not be transferred to another.
Special: This item may be sacrificed (permanently destroyed) to resist one direct application of elvish magic.
Dwarven Thrower Adapted by Ulsinlis from a dwarfish design, augmenting the strength of its impact and removing a small-minded racial requirement. A one-man siege weapon, this hammer can be thrown to batter any mortal-made barrier within thirty feet then return to its master. Well-reinforced structures may require multiple throws to breach, but will inevitably fall if the hammer’s master is given time to work. Has no effect beyond that of a normal hammer against barriers forged or maintained by eleven, draconic, or divine magic, against natural obstacles, or against living targets.
Special: This item will be bonded to its master by Ulsinlis and control of it may not be transferred to another.
Special: This item may be sacrificed (permanently destroyed) to overcome one elvish barrier.
The Six Fingers of Chaos Ulsinlis prepared a rosewood box with six rings inside, each of a different precious metal or stone. Once permanently bonded to a particular master by Ulsinlis, each ring may be consumed to produce a different one-time magical effect. Inspired by The Ballad of Sutable the Worthy and the Six Fingers of Chaos, a skaven poem from before the Scourge, likely known to Grabit by one of its stage adaptations.
Prismatic Spray Seven shimmering, intertwined, multicolored beams of light spray from your hand. Every mortal creature within sixty feet of you (excluding yourself) is randomly subjected to at least one of seven effects, as determined by the following table (roll 1d8 for each):
1) They burn to cinders.
2) They melt.
3) They electrocute to ash.
4) They die.
5) They turn to stone.
6) They’re driven permanently insane.
7) They’re banished to another plane of existence.
8) Two of more of these things happen: roll twice and apply all.
Baleful Polymorph You permanently transform one mortal within your line of sight into a modestly-sized animal (e.g., a dog, lizard, monkey, toad). The subject of the spell retains some shades of its personality and physicality, subject to the limits of its new form.
Private Sanctum A large area (e.g., a town or neighborhood) is subtly cut off from all outside it for twenty-four hours. While passage in and out is not obstructed, no mortal sense or magic gleans any information from within it for the duration of the effect, including the existence of this spell.
Freedom of Movement For one hour, no mortal obstacle can obstruct your movement.
Delayed Blast Fireball An immovable glowing bead appears within one thousand feet of you at a point of your specification within your line of sight. When created, a delay of no more than five minutes must be declared, at which point it will ignite into an inferno that destroys everything (excepting elves, dragons, and gods) within twenty feet.
Mass Endurance You and up to a few dozen other people do not need to worry about the limitations of stamina, hunger, or thirst for one day.

Side Game Rules

Roll Playing to Win Staying Safe Doing Damage
6 83 no damage random -AG
5 69 no damage random -MA
4 55 random Niggle random -AV
3 41 random -AV random Niggle
2 27 random -MA no damage
1 13 random -AG no damage
Magic Maze
Roll Playing to Win Staying Safe Finding a Prize
6 83 no damage random Major
5 69 no damage random Medium
4 55 no damage random Medium
3 41 Niggle random Minor
2 27 -AV random Minor
1 13 -MA nothing