Current Matchup

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Mercato can adjust its fan factor between four and eight based on how much the city promotes this match primarily made up of alternates.

Mercato must roster a team with at least 2220 TV to allow for the hiring of Ramtut III.

Opposing Team Roster

Fan Factor 2
Assistant Coaches
Star Players
Apothecary N/A
Team Rerolls 1
The Lost Temple Magician’s Shop
Team Value 2220 (w/ Ramtut III)

Lost Temple Guardians

The Lost Temple, a buried necromantic mechanism of ancient Khemri design, has surfaced in the Badlands near Maelyrra’s domain. Designed to resurrect the ruling couple of a long lost Khemri dynasty — according to the messenger sent to the witch elf – the device has suffered damage in the intervening centuries. Demanding recognition, obeisance, and patronage in the form of the materials needed for the repair of the device, it was eventually agreed that a blood bowl match could resolve this issue. While normally Maelyrra would handle this sort of thing on her own, in this case she dispatched a messenger asking Mercato to evict this nuisance on her doorstep, with the offer of a reward for their success.

Name Position Learned Skills Default Skills MA ST AG AV Injuries Cost
Ramtut I Blitz-Ra Wrestle, Mighty Blow, Break Tackle Block, Regeneration 5 3 2 7 ‑MA, ‑AV, Niggle  150
Ramtut II Blitz-Ra +ST, Wrestle, Mighty Blow, Break Tackle Block, Regeneration 4 4 1 8 ‑MA x 2, ‑AG  200
Ramtut III Star Player Loner, Regeneration, Wrestle, Mighty Blow, Tackle 5 6 1 9 –  380
Ramtut IV Tomb Guardian +ST, Mighty Blow, Break Tackle Decay, Regeneration 3 6 1 9 ‑MA  190
Ramtut VI Tomb Guardian Mighty Blow, Break Tackle Decay, Regeneration 4 5 1 8 ‑AV  140
Ramtut VII Tomb Guardian +MA, Mighty Blow, Break Tackle Decay, Regeneration 5 5 1 9 Niggle  170
Ramtut VIII Tomb Guardian Mighty Blow, Break Tackle Decay, Regeneration 4 4 1 9 ‑ST  140
Itankh Nesdaa I Thro-Ra Block, Kick-Off Return, Dump-Off, Accurate, Nerves of Steel Sure Hands, Pass, Regeneration 6 3 2 7 Niggle  170
Itankh Nesdaa II Thro-Ra Block, Kick-Off Return, Dump-Off, Accurate, Nerves of Steel Sure Hands, Pass, Regeneration 6 3 2 6 ‑AV  170
Shabti Skeleton Wrestle Regeneration, Thick Skull 4 3 2 7 Niggle, ‑MA 60
Shabti Skeleton Wrestle Regeneration, Thick Skull 5 3 2 6 Niggle, ‑AV 60
Shabti Skeleton Wrestle Regeneration, Thick Skull 4 3 2 7 ‑MA, Niggle 60
Shabti Skeleton Wrestle Regeneration, Thick Skull 4 3 2 6 ‑MA, ‑AV 60
Shabti Skeleton Wrestle Regeneration, Thick Skull 5 3 2 6 ‑AV, Niggle 60
Shabti Skeleton Wrestle Regeneration, Thick Skull 4 3 2 6 ‑AV, ‑MA 60

Win Result

+1 fan factor

The Lost Temple provides a cart full of gold and jewels to Mercato before disappearing beneath the sands, prompting Mercato's grateful elite to rehire one of the players fired after the loss to the A-B Mithrilite Guild. The player has been changed by their experience as follows:

  • Eeza returns with a new normal skill.
  • Valodd returns as an orc blitzer, replacing his existing block with a new doubles skill.

Mercato's elite will help fund player training. Pick one of:

  • Eeza's injury receives the benefit of a powerful shamanic ritual. He loses -MA and may gain an agility skill.
  • Tsaable trains with a star gutter runner and may gain +AG or two instances of +MA.
  • Valodd is taken on a spirit hunt and returns an orc blitzer, replacing his existing block with any other blitzer normal skill.
    • If Valodd was fired and rehired, this training allows him to gain any skill or stat.

Maelyrra gives the team a player of her creation:

  • Lyrral, Hobgoblin (Stat, Stat, Block / Wrestle / Juggernaut, Dodge / Mighty Blow / Leap, Guard / Tackle / Strip Ball, Side Step / Stand Firm / Kick)
  • Lyrral’s stats and skills may be selected for each match. Lyrral ignores permanent injuries, MNGs, and death.

Maelyrra empowers the team to use elf turf.

Tie Result

Maelyrra agrees to repair the temple on the condition that it relocate itself — with her assistance — into the Waste.

Maelyrra provides Mercato with Lyrral or enough gold to fund either the rehiring of a player or a player training.

Loss Result

The Lost Temple establishes itself in the Badlands. Sympathetic to Nurgle's cause, it lends the god of disease its support. Mercato, cursed by the Khemri temple, is unable to induce a wizard in the match against Nurgle (though it remains able to use the magician’s shop stadium enhancement).

Side Goals

Either remove an opposing player from the field or knock the ball free from an opposing ball carrier using a bomb.

  • The Goblin Farmer's Association recruits Witkit Bottlethief (fanatic, block, grab) to the Mercato team.

Muckteef surfs at least two opposing players or at least one opposing player that isn't a skeleton.

  • Muckteef gains a normal skill.

A reserve player scores a touchdown.

  • That player may gain one of dodge, break tackle, +MA, or pro.
  • May be completed multiple times for different players.

A reserve player inflicts a casualty on an opposing player based on a block or blitz by either player, a foul, a surf, or throwing a bomb.

  • That player may gain one of mighty blow, dirty player, piling on, or pro.
  • May be completed multiple times for different players.
  • A bomb throw that passes through multiple reserve players counts towards all those players.

A reserve player performs both the above.

  • That player may either gain the benefit of both or receive any one level up.
  • May be completed multiple times for different players.

Skarrot Headcracker (bombardier) completes one of the three reserve player goals above.

  • The benefit may instead be assigned to any other rostered reserve player, which may stack with other levels assigned to that player.

Ongoing Goals

A player on either team actually dies.

  • Yasha is healed of all injuries.

Bubonost the Infested's foul appearance triggers or his tentacles cause a player to fail to move

  • Bubonost is healed of all injuries.
  • After two instances of the above, Bubonost may gain a mutation (2/2).

MVP: a non-PC piece does something extraordinary that improves the outcome of the match.

  • The piece gains an appropriate skill.