Earthdawn World Congress

From Shadowrun
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Chaotic All-Stars

Fan Factor 9
Assistant Coaches 10
Cheerleaders 10
Apothecary Not Rostered
Team Rerolls 0
Team Value 3950

Name Position Skills MA ST AG AV Cost
Brick Far'th Ogre Loner, Bone-Head, Mighty Blow, Nerves of Steel, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Throw Team-Mate 5 5 2 9 290
Grotty Goblin Loner, Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty 6 2 4 7 290
Glart Smashrip Jr. Skaven Blitzer Loner, Block, Claw, Juggernaut 7 4 3 8 210
Grashnak Blackhoof Minotaur Loner, Frenzy, Horns, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Wild Animal 6 6 2 8 310
Hakflem Skuttlespike Gutter Runner Loner, Dodge, Extra Arms, Prehensile Tail, Two Heads 9 3 4 7 200
Horkon Heartripper Pro Elf Loner, Dodge, Leap, Multiple Block, Shadowing, Stab 7 3 4 7 210
Hubris Rakarth Dark Elf Blitzer Loner, Block, Dirty Player, Jump Up, Mighty Blow, Strip Ball 7 4 4 8 260
Lord Borak the Despoiler Chaos Warrior Loner, Block, Dirty Player, Mighty Blow 5 5 3 9 300
Zzharg Madeye Chaos Dwarf Blocker Loner, Hail Mary Pass, Pass, Secret Weapon, Strong Arm, Sure Hands, Tackle, Thick Skull, Block 4 4 3 9 90
Roxanna Witch Elf Loner, Dodge, Frenzy, Jump Up, Juggernaut, Leap 8 3 5 7 250
Lewdgrip Human Thrower Loner, Pass, Strong Arm, Sure Hands, Tentacles 6 3 3 9 150
Fez Fanatic Loner, Ball & Chain, Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, No Hands, Secret Weapon, Stunty 4 7 3 7 100
Big Rat Rat Ogre Loner, Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Prehensile Tail, Wild Animal 6 6 3 8 340
Rashnak Hobgoblin Loner, Dodge, Side Step, Sneaky Git, Stab 7 3 3 7 200
Max Chaos Warrior Loner, Chainsaw, Secret Weapon 5 4 3 8 130
Hthark Bull Centaur Loner, Block, Break Tackle, Juggernaut, Sprint, Sure Feet, Thick Skull 6 5 2 9 330

Destruction All-Stars

Fan Factor 9
Assistant Coaches 10
Cheerleaders 10
Apothecary Not Rostered
Team Rerolls 0
Team Value 3640

Name Position Skills MA ST AG AV Cost
Bomber Dribblesnot Bombardier Loner, Accurate, Bombardier, Dodge, Secret Weapon, Stunty, Right Stuff 6 2 3 7 60
Count Luthor von Drakenborg Vampire Loner, Block, Side-Step, Hypnotic Gaze, Regeneration, Blood Lust 6 5 4 9 390
Eldril Sidewinder Pro Elf Catcher Loner, Catch, Dodge, Hypnotic Gaze, Nerves of Steel, Pass Block 8 3 4 7 200
Icepelt Hammerblow Yhetee Loner, Claws, Disturbing Presence, Frenzy, Regeneration, Thick Skull, Wild Animal 5 6 1 8 330
Earlice Ghoul Loner, Catch, Diving Catch, Dodge, Sprint 8 3 3 7 180
Ramtut III Tomb Guardian Loner, Break Tackle, Mighty Blow, Regeneration, Wrestle, Decay 5 6 1 9 380
Ripper Troll Loner, Mighty Blow, Grab, Regeneration, Throw Team-Mate, Always Hungry, Really Stupid 4 6 1 9 270
Scrappa Sorehead Pogoer Loner, Dirty Player, Dodge, Leap, Sprint, Stunty, Sure Feet, Very Long Legs, Right Stuff 7 2 3 7 150
Setekh Blitz-Ra Loner, Block, Break Tackle, Juggernaut, Regeneration, Strip Ball 6 4 2 8 220
Varag Ghoul-chewer Orc Blitzer Loner, Block, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Jump Up 6 4 3 9 290
Wilhelm Chaney Necromantic Werewolf Loner, Catch, Claws, Frenzy, Regeneration, Wrestle 8 4 3 8 240
Ali Babad Khemri Blitzer Loner, Block, Jump Up, Pass Block, Regeneration, Secret Weapon, Side Step, Stab 6 3 2 7 80
Fungus Fanatic Loner, Ball & Chain, Mighty Blow, No Hands, Secret Weapon, Stunty 4 7 3 7 80
Nobbla Looney Loner, Block, Dodge, Chainsaw, Secret Weapon, Stunty 6 2 3 7 130
Humerus Khemri Skeleton Loner, Catch, Dodge, Regeneration, Nerves Of Steel, Thick Skull 7 2 3 7 130
Benoin Dark Elf Runner Loner, Accurate, Dump-Off, Nerves Of Steel, Pass, Regeneration, Sure Hands 7 3 3 7 220

Order All-Stars

Fan Factor 9
Assistant Coaches 10
Cheerleaders 10
Apothecary Not Rostered
Team Rerolls 0
Team Value 3670

Name Position Skills MA ST AG AV Cost
Barik Farblast Dwarf Runner Loner, Hail Mary Pass, Pass, Secret Weapon, Strong Arm, Sure Hands, Thick Skull 6 3 3 8 60
Deeproot Strongbranch Treeman Loner, Block, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Throw Team-Mate, Take Root 2 7 1 10 300
Dolfar Longstride Pro Elf Loner, Diving Catch, Hail Mary Pass, Kick, Kick-Off Return, Pass Block 7 3 4 7 150
Griff Oberwald Human Blitzer Loner, Block, Dodge, Fend, Sprint, Sure Feet 7 4 4 8 320
Grim Ironjaw Trollslayer Loner, Frenzy, Block, Multiple Block, Thick Skull, Dauntless 5 4 3 8 220
Jordell Freshbreeze Wardancer Loner, Block, Dodge, Diving Catch, Leap, Side Step 8 3 5 7 260
Mighty Zug Human Blitzer Loner, Block, Mighty Blow 4 5 2 9 260
Soaren Hightower High Elf Thrower Loner, Fend, Pass, Safe Throw, Sure Hands, Strong Arm, Kick-Off Return 6 3 4 8 180
Zara the Slayer Amazon Blitzer Loner, Block, Dauntless, Dodge, Jump Up, Stab, Stakes 6 4 3 8 270
Boomer Long Beard Loner, Accurate, Block, Bombardier, Secret Weapon, Thick Skull, Tackle 4 3 2 9 60
Moranion High Elf Blitzer Loner, Block, Dauntless, Tackle, Wrestle 7 4 4 8 230
Bertha Ogre Loner, Bone-Head, Break Tackle, Dodge, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Throw Team-Mate 6 5 2 9 290
Puggy Halfling Loner, Block, Dodge, Nerves of Steel, Right Stuff, Stunty 5 3 3 9 140
Hemlock Skink Loner, Block, Dodge, Side Step, Jump Up, Stab, Stunty 8 2 3 7 170
Buttol Skink Loner, Catch, Diving Tackle, Jump Up, Leap, Shadowing, Very Long Legs, Pass Block, Dodge, Stunty 8 3 3 8 220
Slibli Saurus Loner, Block, Grab, Guard, Stand Firm 7 4 1 9 250