Ongoing Plots

From Shadowrun
Revision as of 07:44, 22 February 2017 by Bryanhm (talk | contribs)
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Current Job

  1. Run a job in the wastelands of the Puyallup Barrens.

Favors Owed

Saturn owes Stinky Joe a favor for helping her scout the cannery.

Nine owes a favor to Maniac’s street doc, “Shaky” Sheila.


Renraku and the Sprawl yakuza have a photo of Kambei and Maniac in a yakuza vehicle during the kidnapping of a Renraku executive.

The runners are backing the support system for the Plastic Jungle and are therefore developing significant influence therein.

The runners helped the Brain Eaters take territory near Glow City from the Rusted Stilettos.

Maniac helped the Red Hot Nukes take a truck protected by Lone Star.

Possible Jobs