Medical Services
Type | Cost | Availability | Description |
Genetic Cleansing | 100,000¥ | Restricted | Repairs damage to the patient's genetic code, such as may occur from toxic or radioactive exposure. Requires a month spent in a medically-induced coma. |
Hospitalization | 1,000¥ per day | Restricted | Professional intensive medical care. |
Total Rebuild | 1,000,000¥ | Restricted | A vat-grown body to replace a total loss. Growing the replacement requires three months, but this can be performed in advance and the body kept in stasis. Even so, regrowing nerve connections between the vat body and the brain requires an additional week. Most likely to be an option where the patient has a black box. Replacement of unrecovered or destroyed cyberware not included in price. |
A DocWagon contract requires the filing of tissue samples (held in a secure vault staffed by bonded guards, spiders, and mages) and comes with a biomonitor RFID tag implant or wristband that can be activated to call for help and then to serve as a homing beacon for DocWagon armed ambulances and fast-response choppers in the area. Rupture of the band will also alert DocWagon representatives. Registration with DocWagon replaces the normal identity check for restricted items, which has made them a popular service with shadowrunners, along with their armed response coverage in areas most emergency services won't go to.
Type | Cost | Description | |||
DocWagon Basic Contract | 5,000¥ per year | Upon receiving a call from a contract-holder, DocWagon franchises guarantee arrival of an armed trauma team in less than ten minutes, or else the emergency medical care is free. DocWagon does not respond to calls on extraterritorial government or corporate property without permission from the controlling authority. | |||
DocWagon Gold Contract | 25,000¥ per year | HTR is 50% cheaper, hospitalization is 10% cheaper, and one free resuscitation a year. | |||
DocWagon Platinum Contract | 50,000¥ per year | No charge for HTR services, 50% discount on hospitalization, and four free resuscitations a year. | |||
High-Threat Response | 5,000¥ per response | Where hostiles need to be cleared for extraction. | |||
On-Site Resuscitation | 8,000¥ per resuscitation | For dead but revivable clients. | |||
Employee Death Compensation | 20,000¥ per death | When a DocWagon employee dies in an extraction. |
Special Vendors
These are sellers that have special goods or services, or goods or services at particularly low prices, available to the runners thanks to connections that the runners have built and maintained. Goods and services sold be these sellers don't have availability (e.g., controlled or restricted) limitations. In general, prices are listed for purchases for personal use, not bunk resale.
The Brain Eaters
The runners helped the Brain Eaters take control of a prime trading spot in a small city park near Glow City. As long as they maintain the relationship they have access to various decker services.
Type | Cost | Description | |||
Fake SIN | 2,000¥ | A SIN good enough to pass a field check, but not an extended examination. Can be used once to access a lightly-secured facility, pass a routine police stop, etc. Would normally be paired with a SINRFID to be of practical value. Good for one use. | |||
Registered SIN | 20,000¥ | A SIN identifying you as a citizen of somewhere that someone actually gives a shit about, with a biometric profile you can actually pass. Until blown, sufficient to travel internationally, purchase equipment listed as restricted, enter highly-secured publicly-accessible facilities, and pass a thorough police stop. Good until blown. | |||
Fake Vehicle Registration | 2,000¥ | A VIN valid to a vehicle, that hasn't been blown yet. Good enough to pass a casual check, such as might be used to access lightly-secured facilities or during a routine police stop. Good for one use. | |||
Valid Vehicle Registration | 20,000¥ | A VIN that's as good as real. Good until blown. |
Type | Cost | Description |
Camo | 50,000¥ | Removes one or more subjects from a surveillance system. |
Crash | 10,000¥ | Take a whole security system down as if it suffered a catastrophic crash. |
Defuse | 10,000¥ | Prevent the enactment of self-erasure security methods on a system. |
Doorstop | 10,000¥ | Keeps a system from engaging a physical security lockdown. |
Encrypt | 10,000¥ | Encrypts the data of a system with a specified key to prevent the owner from accessing it. |
Evaluate | 10,000¥ | Searches a system for valuable paydata. |
Mirrors | 10,000¥ | Loops a surveillance system. |
Purge | 2,000¥ | Destroy all the data on a system. |
Redecorate | 50,000¥ | Provides complete domination over a system to an external controller. |
Sniffer | 10,000¥ | Extracts data based on predefined parameters. |
Snooper | 10,000¥ | Allows remote monitoring of the system. |
Swerve | 10,000¥ | A local security system neither alerts nor suspiciously falls silent to an external monitor. |
Triangulation | 1,000¥ | Allows for a system to be located externally in the Matrix. |
Validate | 10,000¥ | Inserts one or more security credentials. |
These one-shot utilities require physical or otherwise privileged access to a system to operate.
The Plastic Jungle
The runners control the water plant in the jungle, which gives them influence and rep among the people who live there. These will be available as long as they keep paying the people who actually operate and guard the plant, at a current rate of 100,000¥ a month.
Type | Cost | Description |
Basic Lifestyle | - | The runners can always find basic food and accommodation at a Squatter lifestyle level in the Plastic Jungles, including at the Rat's Nest. |
Basic Healthcare | - | The runners can always find low-quality healthcare from Mama Palazzo, equivalent to a Low lifestyle. |
The Red Hot Nukes
Maniac helped the Nukes take out some convoys that Lone Star was running through Redmond, which threatened their protection racket. As long as he stays close to the go gang, they'll offer a good deal on the vehicles that move through their chop shop.
Type | Cost | Description |
Stolen Vehicle | 5,000¥ | A stolen restricted-availability cost-2 subcompact, sedan, or van. |
Stolen Vehicle | 10,000¥ | A stolen restricted-availability cost-2 chopper, SUV, or medium transport. |
Stolen vehicles do not come with VINs good enough to pass even a basic check.
The Wizards of the Coast
Mac has built a relationship with this group of wizards on a farming commune in Snohomish. He can maintain it be being available to do jobs when needed.
Type | Cost | Description |
Initiation | - | The wizards can perform an initiation at the cost listed for it, removing availability limitations. |
Watcher Trap | 10,000¥ | A one-use fetish that makes it easier to subdue a watcher spirit. |